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Many of you are still asking about NILF and Candy and I completely understand your questions even though I have already talked about it a couple of times. 

After the problem I had with Patreon a couple of months ago I'm being very carefull about every character, illustration and post I make.

I think NILF comic looks ok but I'm not sure if someone could take NILF as minor as she look so frail and innocent, and that's the problem with social media and communication in general, it's not about what you say, but what the other understands.

I know it sucks. I don't wanna let you down, I already lost almost 20% of my patrons, but I can't help but think: At least I managed to keep those who really like my art for what it is and I think that was a fair trade if you wanna know. I wanna stay true to you and be safe doing what I love.

I'm still thinking on bringing NILF back, but I'm still not confident if it's gonna worth it put some effort on finishing the comic. That's the problem with NILF, Candy, Tammy... Is it gonna worth the time and effort I'll put in this characters?

The protocol I assumed after THE PATREON CRISIS (dramatic voice with echo) was reset and redo all my works from scratch.

I hope you don't take this post so heavily, I'm really in a good mood, inspired and full of ideas.

Speaking of which, I'm posting sketches from some new works. What do you think about them and about averithing I just said. Let me knon in the comments.

Thank you again for your undestanding and for your kind support.





Yo that's rough... I joined like a day after you took down your "risky" stuff and I was I little disappointed cuz that's half of what brought me here. I have other patreons but at the blistering speed and quality that you post, you're unquestionably the best. Your hard work shows and I'll definitely be supporting your site even if it's a double dose of the same stuff. Keep it up!


Teku, I hope that in a near future hentai artists like you can have a live without fear. As always, your art never cease of surprise us.


We need to move out from Patreon to a more lenient place that's for sure so you can keep your freedom to draw whatever you want.


Patreon is is too inconsistent to be this strict with you. It sucks. That said, I would love to see Candy and Tammy again, but if it would mean risking getting banned from the platform, it's not really worth it.


Is there any chance you can continue them on tekunation? After all, that is one of the points you made when you introduced the site. Patreon has no control there.


I see were you are coming from and understand. I love your art and am a fan of Tammy as well as NILF. I would love to see them down the track even if its just when you have the time. All in all tho I think you should draw what you think is best and what you want to do. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon :)


I am very excited to know we are getting more of Zoey


Whoa whoa, when did all that happen?! Was it when I left for a few months? I'm really sorry to hear about all this. Geez, it feels like a few years back everything felt so much simpler on Patreon. On the plus side I do think your new sketches look nice (the third in particular is awesome) But if you want to know a way to stay safe and get a ton more patrons, I do have an idea. If you try your hand at drawing some of the new characters from Pokemon Sword and Shield, I think you could make a killing and it would look great in your style! BUT! Just like what I said on your "Rescue Sluts" comic, I do want you to draw what you want to draw. If you're not interested, no problem. But if you are, I can hook you up with some great recommendations/ideas. Either way, I hope everything works out great for you!

Colin Kao

I for one love your work. I'd happily support your webpage.


I was already planning of doing some fanarts of Pokemon Sword and Shield! I was just waiting to get a coppy. Perhaps I should get it nstarted already.


Just do the comics and then just email the links to like dropbox/ mega files, thus avoiding anything with Patreon

Baxter Turnham

Other artists I support, put their non-patreon-friendly art either on dropbox, or a password access page on their website.


I really miss Candy X/