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You unwillingly go from employee to thong.


“Hey, could one of you retards tell me where the goddamn underwear section is?”

“Listen, lady, I’ve had a long day. Can you just fuck off?”

Storming away, finally responding to a customer like that felt so cathartic. The chubby “Karen”, was fuming, but you didn’t even bat an eye as you walked into the Target stockroom. Leaning on a stack of pallets, you take a sip of your water. Swallowing it, something feels off, and you black out instantly.

Awaking, you’re in a humid swamp, and it reeks of sweat and shit. It smells so bad you can taste it, and you feel warm liquid running down you. Feeling two mounds move back and forth around you, and some strange crevice gnawing at each side of your face, you attempt to open your eyes, only to see nothing but darkness. As you turn over, and the walls stretch apart, you can make out the ceiling of your store, through a thick white mesh. Then you hear it:

“These fucking useless employees…”

The same woman from earlier, how was she, what? As the walls close back together and jiggle as they do so, you come to a disgusting realization. You’re this bitch’s thong, her skimpy white thong.

Those mounds are her fat ass cheeks, barely contained by her leggings, and the crevice is her dirty asshole, casually eating up your skimpy underwear form. You’d vomit if you had a mouth, being forced to absorb this woman’s swamp ass as she shops. Every bead of disgusting sweat, mixed with whatever grime is coating her asshole, you’re forced to feel, taste, smell, and absorb, the worst part being that she was completely unaware.

She begins walking, rubbing your stretchy body all over her ass. You’re literally tasting her shit right now, and from the specks wiping off on your face, you should’ve directed her to the toilet paper aisle. The refuse tastes horrible, and you feel like you died and went to hell, your personal punishment being to absorb some chubby Target shopper’s booty slime.

Then it happened.

The nasty hole in front of you opens as Karen bends over to reach an item on the bottom shelf. Hot gas rips out of the crevice, her colon blowing stench and microscopic flecks of shit all over your blue cotton form. You can taste it, particles of fart gluing to your body. You attempt to gag but are soon interrupted by the woman getting back up. Her walking picks up the pace from earlier.

Then you hear the swing of a door, followed by a lock. Oh no. The woman grabs a hold of your waistband and pulls you down to the ground. You look up at the woman in horror as she plops her ass down on the public toilet, and you cringe as she unloads her guts into the bowl.

Looking over at the toilet paper roll, you see that there are only 2 squares left, not enough for the big ass of your captor. Fuck.

You’re in for a long, hellish day of shopping.



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