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I'm nearing the completion of the Alexis epilogue chapter, which means it's time to kick off the planning for the remaining five chapters.

I thought it would be fun to do an “Ask Me Anything” for my characters to spark some creativity. I'll pick some of my favorite questions and draw a little sketch of the character answering your question.

If you've ever had questions about the characters, their motivations, or simply want to dig deeper into their stories, now is your opportunity.

In the comments section of this post, ask any character-related questions you've been itching to know the answers to.  Simply drop your character-related questions in the comments below. Feel free to address your questions directly to the characters themselves.


Zachary Daringer

Hey Brooke, have you ever come across a really jacked gnome? I've seen him walk straight through walls - I think he would make a great training partner!


"Alexis, when you create sentient objects, are you creating new minds, or are they being taken from somewhere else? What do you do if you break one of the objects you've brought to life? Do you ever give them away to other people? Do you ever try communicating with them, or mostly just ignore them?"


A question for all the girls have you all meet a Gnome that had a vore fetish and wanted to you to swallow them or a Gnome with a foot fetish that sneaked into your shoes?

James Knight

Hiya, Morgan. You're such a gem, I've always wondered if you've had gnome students ask to massage your feet occasionally? If not, is it too late to ask?


Katelyn what did you plan to do to us if we submitted to you?


Brooke, has a tiny ever gotten stuck inside your sock during a workout, and if so did they make it out alive?


Brooke,if a goblin was cooperative enough,would you work out with them?