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Week 4 is finally here. Here's a spoiler free overview:

  • Sun: Training Montage | Max's Role(play)
  • Mon: Trials Phase 1 | A Lover's Reward (♥)
  • Tue: Trials Phase 1 | Ghost of Love
  • Wed: Trials Semi-Finals | Smell of Smoke
  • Thu: Trials Semi-Finals | A Family Thanksgiving
  • Fri: Trials Finals (♥) | Welcome to the Club
  • Sat: Dad Day | Unhooked

Other things:

  • There are now 8 secret scenes throughout the game. Two in each week. If someone asks, I can provide a spoiler-free guide to locating them.
  • About halfway through Week 4, the Roster updates with some fun details for each of the guys. 
  • The content during this installment changes depending on your romance and who you "accused" during Week 3. 
  • There are lots of new scenes in The Vault.
  • I added some new cheats.

Get the download from the "Week 4 - Game Download" post.



Always so exciting to get an update from you 💙


Hey!! This was such a delight to see in my Inbox. Really excited to play tonight!


OMG is great an update of the game but also is great to heard from you!!! Hope you are doing good


So, so very happy to know that you're alive. A game update was a nice surprise too! Glad to see you're back, hopefully doing well

Josef Magera

Oh my god you live! This is incredible news! I can´t wait to play, I am freaking out :D


Another great update! Would love some hints towards the secret scenes - don't want to miss even a single scene lol


Hi, Mammon! Here are some hints: Week 1: On Thursday, when Keelin is looking into Jackson's head. On Saturday, when on the rooftop in the Village. Week 2: On Monday, when chatting with Conrad in the dining hall. On Monday, when Nico is talking in the meeting with The Six. Week 3: On Monday, when looking into Clay's head during Domination class. On Friday, when talking with Junior about Nelson. Week 4: On Monday, after Astor shows you match results. On Tuesday, after the fight between the twins.


Thanks for the hints!

Lumin Monsoon

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work so much <3 so happy we got this update


Sorry if this is a dense question but what exactly is the content for the ‘secret scene’ isn’t like some secret dialogue, content that maybe helps you decide who the traitor is, OR is it like a scene with gifs and stuff. I don’t wanna accidentally miss something! If it’s just text dialogue then I think I’m all set in finding it, but if it’s like gif scenes then boy… am I really lost


They're all basically just hidden sex scenes - you gotta wait for a few seconds on the right screen and a new option will appear that takes you to the scene