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Coucou, ♥

Spring is near for the northern hemisphere. So let’s do some spring cleaning.

Week 4

The Week 4 update is making strong progress. As you might have noticed, I skipped the tech update for Week 3. There weren’t any urgent changes I felt needed to be made. That said, I’m going to add the “secret scene” (which I usually fold into tech updates) in the next release.

I’m also working on changing GIFs into WebPs. This will reduce the game’s file size.

Patreon: Out

At the end of March, I’m going to make some changes to the Patreon tiers and rewards.

Student ($2) tier will remain the same.

Professor ($4) and Muse ($6) tiers will no longer have the “Alpha version” reward. The reason is obvious to many long-term patrons: I’ve never released an Alpha version. Not for a lack of trying! I really want to offer this, but I’ve learned that my development pattern is so nonlinear that it’d be nearly impossible to upload a working “in-progress” file.

Lastly, I’m inviting the last requests for “custom characters.” When Semester 2 starts, I will probably open the doors for new custom characters. That said, if you are at the Muse ($6) tier and haven’t already submitted a custom character, please do so. Furthermore, no matter what tier you’re at, if your support has totaled $6+ over the past months (for example, you’ve been at the Student tier for three months or longer), you’re also invited to submit a custom character.

I’m closing custom character requests at the end of March, and I’ll add those characters (with their special scenes in the Vault) throughout the Week 4 and Week 5 updates.

Patreon: In

I need your advice! What sort of rewards would you like to see? What can replace the out-going “Alpha version” reward? I’m open to ideas. Here are some examples:

  • Something like a recurring Q&A
  • Something with Discord (I would make a Discord for TNM)
  • Polls having greater influence on characters and the story
  • Patrons can submit a specific scene that I will write
  • Cross-over bonus material that references other NSFW gay games
  • Something to do with The Fairy Prince 
  • Or anything else that comes to mind

Semester 2

As this post has suggested, I’m beginning to make blueprints for the next semester. Semester 2 will take place in January through May/June (in the game's time), and it will also contain five releases.

Semester 1 follows what I call the “Missing Magpie” story arc. Semester 2 follows a new arc, although the very beginnings have been peppered throughout Semester 1.

That’s all for now

Let me know what you think. I want to conclude Semester 1 with a bang (wink wink).

♥ voir



With Joel's kink mentioning two brothers, I'm wondering is this the same Joel from TFP


Anything to do with TFP or crossovers would be very cool. Both polls and scene submissions are great too, though I lean more towards them being suggestions than being mandatory since I personally experience and worry about burnout when feeling obligated to include specificities. Could be a fun way to get inspiration too. Little snippets of your creative process would be something I'd be interested in because you're one of the most compelling writers whose works I've had the pleasure to enjoy :) Ultimately, whatever you're comfortable with though!