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This video is meant to ask you questions you might not usually think to ask yourself - or that maybe, you lack time to ask yourself.

Exploring the topic of social anxiety, I give you some tips and ideas at the end on how to reduce it gradually.

Thank you AGAIN for your support.

This video took a lot of time to film and edit, I hope you enjoy! More coming your way tomorrow. Sleep well!



Therapy Roleplay [ASMR]



Great session as always. So often we don't realize the positive impact we are having on others when we are just present and being ourselves. We can be so sensitive to other's uncomfortable behavior and wondering what we did to cause it. The other person may also have social anxiety. I used to avoid all big social gatherings until i learned that I don't having to act social or extroverted. I can sit back and be an observer of the people and activities and only participate if I really want to. I find I need more time to scope out the room and get comfortable before jumping in. Actually this just occurred to me, I value so much giving quality time to people I care about, when I have to divide my attention in different directions it's derailing.

Tommy Lee

Congratulations again on hitting 100K Masha! Your videos are great. I like to watch right before bed. they help me when I'm trying to fall asleep. This one had me asking my self some of the questions your roleplay was asking and doing some introspection. Great job as always and looking forward to many more! <3