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Original Render Video Post with Testing file can be found Here

Process :

Breakdown In Order of Appearance in the Video

1) Ksampler - Low Denoise Incomplete Render Stylization

2) CyberSkullAI Lora

3) Inverted the Original Video In After Effects and Color Corrected it.

4) Used HED line art pass, inverted and overlayed on the Original Render with Threshold effect inside AE

5) DeepSpaceSlasher Lora

6) r1ge-AnimeRage Unleased Lora

7) BJ-Lego_Bricks Lora

8) PAseer- SciFi Lora

9) BJ-Lego_Bricks Lora + Prompts

Some of the Loras and Experiments which could have been also been done with this workflow : 

Prompts and Workflow is Attached Below, Drag and Drop in Comfyui.


Scott Ownbey

Hey Jerry we are running through your workflows- Here is our first pass https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0cUJPRR4D4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==