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Announcing that for the month of December, animation is going to be set aside until next year and the Patreon will instead be having three art rewards for the remainder of 2021. Why? Well there's two reasons:

The first is that there was a worrying incident last week where my wrist cramps came back but luckily they haven't been a prevailing issue since. I've mentioned before but animating is a lot more intensive on my hand as tracing on top of new frames means my grip on my pen is tighter and more taxing on my nerves. I'm pretty sure the reason this issue came back was from one particular night where I didn't get enough sleep and thus, didn't give my neck enough rest which is the source of all of my joint problems (for the love of god, never sleep on two pillows like I did). Luckily, I could still draw when it happened so for December, I'm going to do three Beast reward pictures.

The second reason is Christmas. Several days have to be reserved for the holiday which means I'll have even less time to work on animating things and I don't want to have to schedule around that. Combined with a lot of end-of-the-year tasks like buying presents, getting my car fixed and having car payments finalized, I'd like to make the month less stressful on myself.

November's scenes have been finished animated and only need painted backgrounds left so look forward to that. Hopefully all of you will enjoy the Beast art coming up. o/


Ray Dawn

Get some damn rest hun


sounds good just be careful, don't want you hurting yourself more


Get some rest, You deserve it.


Sounds good to me. Hope your neck and wrists feel better in the meantime.


Get some well deserved rest! Whatever helps you is good for me! Thanks for all the great work as always!


Please take your time and rest up! Hope you enjoy the rest of your year!


Sounds good! Health comes first!


Plus you need the time to see Arthur Christmas for your December. Also take the time to stretch and strengthen your fingers and wrist and recover


Health is always first, get some rest and take ur time!! 🥺

Jerry Maister

Dude, please rest. Your health is more important


please take all the time you need to rest, youre health is important dude!


I know you can't keep drawing without enough rest, so please, take it easy!


Rest dude!