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I wanted to refresh everyone on how the voting system works so here are some bulletin notes.

  • Voting is based on the popularity poll with characters being sorted into five categories from most popular to least popular.
  • Six characters are chosen completely at random from these categories.
  • Characters who are chosen to be the month's reward can no longer compete in polls for the rest of the year.
  • Categories are also randomized for two polls of a month.
  • If a category has been chosen again for the next month, characters who were previously randomly picked from that category last month cannot compete in the next vote.
  • My vote will always go to the least popular choice in a poll.
  • Reminder: The popularity poll will always be active and referenced for future polls so feel free to put in your vote if you already haven't.



Update: If two characters win in a tie from a poll, I will randomize which one gets picked as the reward.