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Going to go ahead and start early on the polling for May's SFM project as reception seems overwhelmingly positive! Here are the available facial models for today's month. I'll start us off with six options but down the line I might reduce the poll to four as there are not as many models to pick from. I will also be picking who gets polled as to avoid any landslide voting.

Keep in mind that choosing one character does not mean they will be the only character in the pack. I might have side characters accompanying them with the scenario either being a muscle growth comic or a pinup with varying angles. Who you pick will be who grows the most or IS the biggest. Anyone is welcome to pitch an idea as to what they'd want to see from who they vote for.

When I start, I'll be retexturing the muscle bodies to match seamlessly with the character's skin tone and look. The models won't be perfect when rendering but I'll be polishing and correcting everything in photoshop until we get a decent 3D picture at the end. Hope everyone is excited! If you know any good assets for sfm that might make for good images (maps, objects, etc), PM me a link. Poll ends Monday, May 7th.



I was really torn between Vega and Joker - Vega's already beefy, but I like the idea of Joker being beefed up just as much as the idea of Vega; both of their personalities seem fun when you mix it with size (plus, you already drew some surprise-growth-Joker before). Of course, I'm sure Chris is gonna win with his popularity. (And I really need to learn that Enter is an automatic post instead of a new line >.


I'm not Ota enough. I don't know who are they.

S Munson

So wee, great, haven't we all had enough of Chris Redfield by now? I know that images of him are so very prevalent as to be on overload. Personally, Any of the others are certainly more deserving of attention. However, it is a vote after all and I will respect 'Chris' and those who voted for him. >yawn


Hulk Chris is HOT AF. However, I do wanna see Hulk Hung Joker. So my vote goes to him. :3c


You know. It’s almost not fair putting Chris in the line up. He basically wins by default.


A part of me didn't exactly expect it but I wanted this month's line up to be similar in their aesthetic. Not to mention the characters I have available are limited and the others I have on hand would also be somewhat of landslide picks. Still it might be good that he wins first since I need a basic character to build the texture template off of.

Agent Shark

Wish Garrus was an option ^^