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So I did my first SFM render of a massive Reinhardt and some people suggested making SFM art part of my Patreon content. Keep in mind that this isn't one model but rather four individual models mashed together and reskinned to look like one character. Since I'm shite at 3d modeling for Source, I've been using this method with multiple r34 characters. 

With SFM, I could make it an every other month occurrence where the voting would be based on what facial models I have for characters. Also doing SFM pictures would be less time consuming than regular art which also opens up the possibilities of making some muscle growth sequence stuff (as the Urien model you see here has bones that can allow muscles to be larger). I'll let you guys decide whether this can be a thing or if I should keep my focus on just art.


Matty Burr

I wholeheartedly approve of more SFM work from you.


Yes! Definitely do more SFM!!!


I'd love to see you do more 3D! But what about other alternatives such as Blender or Maya? SFM has the main advantage that it has plenty of content ready to work with and you don't need to model everything. But some people I know that use it have some problems with the limitations it has (e.g. difficulties with realistic liquids, somewhat aging rendering engine).


Yay; yay; absolutely gay!


Well you listed the main reason for using sfm. Everything is provided and can be utilized to make decent content. Trying to tackle making 3D models and environments is a pretty huge leap to take and honestly making 2D art is a lot more fun than making 3D assets. I'd do more 3D model work but mapping bones and programming expressions is enough to make me pull hairs.


Fucking Yay!!!