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Just to let everyone know, the Beast animation is just about finished. As of this month, I will be trying to get the last two scenes finished. July will be when I start exporting every scene into video files and will have them all edited together into one 1920 x 1080 video, finalizing the entire project. As for animation, I still plan to work on and finish up some animated pieces for the month of August and months after but I will NOT be doing another project quite as extensive as this one. 😅



Congratulations, over and over and over again. It's been a pleasure every time Beast shows up in my inbox, so I'll miss that aspect of the project, but I'm much, much more excited to see him all in one video AND at the thought that you'll be able to take an incredibly well-deserved break. Your hard work is truly inspirational. Thank you so much for everything you've done!


This has been a long time coming, you’ve had highs and lows…. A whole lot more lows actually, but you got through them like a champ and kept at it like an animator caught in a studio’s clutches. I know the whole thing will be amazing to see, but you definitely deserve a big break from that, and maybe another beast cleanse and draw some other hot dudes. It has been a pleasure being a part of seeing your process


Will have soumd?