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Poor boy got caught sniffing a jockstrap in the lockers and now he has to face the whole team for it~

I wanted to post this YCH tomorrow but I thought I'd post it for los patrones first to see if anyone was interested in getting one of the slots!

The finished image will be in cel shaded style, maybe with some naughty text bubbles too 👀

✨ Here are the prices ✨

YCH 1: This slot will be put on auction tomorrow, so it's the only one not currently available.

YCH 2: $35

YCH 3: $30

YCH 4: $20

YCH 5: $10

YCH 6: $10

If you're interested in one of the slots comment below or send me a personal message! Please have a ref sheet at hand so I can work off of it :3




Will we be getting Prince's Downfall coming up?


I wanna try my chances at the ych 1 spot ^\\\^


I’ve been getting that question a lot lately, I’m not sure. I’ve been really considering rebooting and expanding the story as a simple NSFW RPG videogame, my boyfriend is teaching me how to use a game dev program. It would be a lot less strain for my arm to draw some character images and special scenes for “game overs” rather than a whole comic xwx I’ll make a poll one of these days to see if people would be into that idea!


Naughty naughty fox >:3 I’ll post it publicly later today and leave it up for a couple of days, hopefully you get the slot :D