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So, I have some good news and some bad news. 

The good news is, my arms are healing, and they're the best they've been in the last 2-3 years.

However, I went to the doctor again last week, and he told me that I've reached a plateau, in his own words, I won't be able to fully heal as long as I continue drawing like i've been doing. I need to take a real break for a couple months that allows me to heal up completely.

For this reason, I won't be able to continue working on the comic for a while, I can't disclose with certainty how long that will be, but rest assured I will absolutely be continuing this in the future xwx

Thankfully, I am still allowed to work about half an hour a day, so I will still take commissions and make YCH's, but they will be few and at a much slower pace, so don't expect many slots to be available. 

Due to the situation, I won't be able to fulfill patreon rewards for the time being, so I will be editing the tiers to reflect this. I am very thankful for all of your support thus far, and my patreon will remain open for anyone who still wishes to support, but the only extra content i'll be able to offer is WIP's for current commissions. 

In the meantime though, i've also been thinking of picking up writing, since it could be another way to create this kind of content without hurting my arms any further, but we'll have to see how that goes.

Again, a big thank you to everyone! 🤍




Hey man, take all the time you need. Don't push your body too much when it is already broken. Let it rest fully and don't worry about those that enjoy your art. They will continue to enjoy it when you return. :) I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.


as long as you get well again, you shouldn't care about time. It's nonsense to continue and maybe make it worse. So take your time and relax and get healthy again ^^