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Okay trying my hands at some dynamic action scenes, wish me luck cause this is new to me ;O;

Also thank you so so much for the support everyone! I finished my therapy on friday, and while I'm not fully healed yet, the next step is joining a gym to start strengthening the back and arm muscles nwn I'll be checking that out today and hopefully this will get me back on my A game nwn

Really I can't thank you enough! 🤍




Do you think the place is small enough that this fight is drawing attention? If so, I think even if he wins this fight, he's gonna get ambushed by more, including the dude who caught him in the first place.


Gotta love that sneaky peen in there~


Love the action scenes, that lizard boyo looks so cute :3


Oh boy I can't wait to see where this is going


OOOH, looking good! UwU I especially like the panel in the middle where the kitty is drawing his sword :3 Also, great news! I'm happy to hear that you're done with therapy! Please take care still, and don't overdo it in the gym


Honestly that was the initial plan, but I have something different planned for the prince ;3 the guards are too busy getting sucked or fucking lol


Thank youuu :D trying out some dynamic poses here and they're really fun but hard to nail down x3


I have some iiinteresting stuff planned for how this fight will end, you'll see ;3


Thanks Arbyyyy :3 the pain is still not fully gone, as I have a very stubborn muscle spasm on my back that won't give in >.o the hope is that the gym will help me get rid of it, but if not, I might need a mix of gym and accupuncture, we'll see through the next weeks :D


You're very welcome Silver nwn And yeah, seems like good thinking. But still, be careful you don't overdo it if it doesn't go away, Pace yourself. And whatever method you happen to go with, I am crossing my fingers! JUST DON'T HURT YOURSELF MORE CUZ YOU STILL "NEED" TO DO THIS COMIC! >:C :P