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It's fixable but I'll need to slow down on art, here's what's happening:

I developed a syndrome where small muscles on my shoulder can't relax anymore, leading to lots of pain when I draw. This can be fixed by constant exercises, heat/electro therapy and acupuncture. I'll begin therapy today, and will be going daily for 2 weeks.

Therapy is kind of expensive though, and while my family will help me, I need to take care of my living expenses myself. I can only draw 1-2 hours per day in 30 min intervals, so I'll focus only on the comic for the coming weeks, no comms.

My patreon will be my only source of income for the next month or two.

Just gotta survive this and my arms will be back in top condition!

Thank you so much everyone for your support, hopefully after this i'll be able to dedicate much more time to drawing and making all the porns for you guys ;w;




So glad there's a plan in place! Really hope you get better and we can be patient for you if you ever need to stop for any reason.


Thanks a lot ;w; I'll still use what little drawing I can do to work on the comic so I can deliver something to you guys!


Always loved your art, sucks that this has hit ya lad but I just know you'll get better in no time <3


Thanks a bunch Cody! I'm honestly a little nervous, but this is the best I can do right now! I just gotta trust the doctors and follow their instructions xwx