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Hey everyone! nwn time for another monthly fanart poll!

The character that gets the most votes will be the star of a hot new drawing, the uncensored and alternative versions of that drawing will be available only for my patrons! :3

Vote away! 🤍

Also if you have any ideas for characters for future polls, please comment them down below :D



I voted Legoshi. Maybe later, we can vote on a Gouhin one. I'm on a bit of a Beastars kick lately. Such a good show. I even made a story for an original character for it. Nothing NSFW, just a carnivore who hates his existence as a carnivore, hates other carnivores, and ultimately decides to go on a quest killing carnivores for the betterment of herbivores, even assembling an underground mob of herbivores who share his views. So yeah. Love Beastars.


Maybe a POV shot where you’re looking up at the Lucario, his thick cock is right in your face as pre trickles from his tip Hes got a smug look on his face and says “down to the knot this time~” or “try not to choke~” or smthn I love pokemon doms ^///^


Wolfrun from Glitter force x3


Hohooo I’d be delighted to add Gouhin to future polls for sure 🤍 and that sounds like a cool story :D very akin to the show’s themes. Maybe you could sprinkle a bit of erotism in, just like the show tends to add sensuality to the desire of devouring >:3


Yuuuu that sounds really tasty Starly .//w//. But it seems Legoshi is beating Lucario for now~ At some point I’ll be reusing characters from previous polls though, so if your favorite didn’t win, maybe you’ll see them in the future >;3


I just googled him and wow o_o I had only seen that guy in furry hentai comics bahahaha! Didn’t know he was a character from an anime x3 I can totally add him to future polls~


Just adding this here since I can't reply to your reply. My character does end up actually falling in love with the herbivore who nearly gets eaten in the strip club in the show. He's around at the time it happens and tries to save her life before Louis and the ShiShi Gumi show up. She's actually the first bit of gratitude and normal dialogue he receives from an herbivore and when he decides to start killing carnivores, she's right by his side. And when they actually fully fall in love, I do imagine the scene involves a slow dance with her trying to take his mind off the stresses of what he's doing and while dancing, his mind wanders and he has to battle between wanting to be with her and wanting to push her away to keep her safe, knowing he could snap at any moment, which slowly devolves into the craving beginning until it's interrupted by her kissing him and saying she loves him. After that, I do imagine they'd have some fun in bed together, so eroticism isn't totally put out of my mind. Edit: Oh, maybe this DID reply to your reply automatically. Huh.


How does the 3x poll vote work? is it automatic? 🤔 👀


Thank you for editing your pledge Bobby 🤍 You simply vote for your favorite, when I download the excel spreadsheet of the votes, I check for the patrons with higher tiers and add 3 points instead of just 1 before I do the final sum of votes nwn


Which one did you want to draw the most?


D’awwwh, we’ll I wanted to draw Nick the most, but he is losing by a very big margin so there’s no chance we’ll see him on this one x3 But what matters is what you guys want the most! These polls are a way of showing my thanks for your support, so simply vote for your fav :3


I'm creating 40 alternative accounts


Bahaha omg please don’t :P I’m more than happy to draw Legoshi anyway, he’s a gay icon at this point~


I was just joking hehe. Fr though all 4 of those are such good options and art turns out better when you truly wanna draw the piece! That's why I asked ;3 I'd rather you enjoy it and make it the best it can be than be bored and grow to hate drawing for $$$. ❤️ (might have also made 4 alt accounts with a 20$ pledge each since I'm just made of money) lol maybe I'll just commission you a nick wilde piece when I learn how that works 🤔 💭 🤔