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Waaah I forgot to post this bahaha

But yeah, those two guys are gonna be having some wild fun, do you have any ideas on what you'd like to see them doing? I'll start the drawing in a couple minutes, so any ideas are welcome! nwn

I'm thinking just straight up leatherhead fucking Raphael, being hella dommy and manhandling him, but what do you have in mind? >:3 



Oooooo maybe Leatherhead with his hands on the back of Raphs head, pulling him down on his croco cock and keeping him there, hilted down his throat Hot cream dripping from Raphs lips with Leatherheads tail teasing his butt?


Waaah that's a really hot idea Starly ;w; but I just started with a different one, which i'm sure you'll absolutely enjoy ;3 i'm sorry for posting this so late, life kinda happened...


Is no worries!! I was juss late to reply ‘^^ But i can always save the idea for later~