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Hey, everyone!

I'm kinda thinking a lot latelly on the works i've done recently and i gotta admit i'm insecure about their quality, and wanna hear from you what you think. Any critics, i really want to improve and wanna know what you REALLY think of them!



Jaja Quro

Truly, this layman thinks that your style and technique are great. You show plenty of sexy variety in terms of bodily proportions, endowments, fetishistic features... I've certainly never wanted to complain. If you are noticing opportunities for improvement that your audience is not seeing then might that be caused by your simply having a greater volume of experience with the finer details of where you focus your efforts? To memory, you do lots of frontward, standing poses for original characters with semi-simple variations on the image included. I get that those details are ordered by commissioners, but for work that comes solely from your own ideas, maybe it would be best to try some things REALLY out there. Wild and unlikely poses, crazy and appropriately tagged kinks, experimenting with lighting and palettes, testing out different styles of drawing altogether once or twice, trying scene compositions with multiple subjects of focus, etc... Maybe you won't be tempted to nitpick your work when you are fully out of your element and not doing something that you "already know how to do" and "should be doing better by now." Again, though, I'm not going to push you to change a thing. Just brainstorming. Sorry for the novel-length text wall.


I thought all of this was incredible, and I loved the idea, I'll try to keep it in mind, I think I've been sticking to simple ideas because I'm always feeling too tired to deal with big challenges. They become exhausting fights when they last for many days, but there is a lot that I need to relearn how to deal with, this routine of quick arts may need to end for me to evolve a little more. I really liked the idea you suggested, I'm going to look for some references for slightly more dynamic poses, not that I'll do it quickly, but whenever I feel a little better, I'll try to challenge myself.


I'll say it simple, I'm no expert but I find your anatomy is always correct and the poses rly dynamic, even the only standing ones. Your lines ar always clean even if they are a sketch, also them alone have that unique something that is recognisable from u. And the coloring is amazing, the way you give it texture and lights is just something else. All in all, your style is pretty solid and wouldn't change nothing 💖


Thank you friend, I think I have come to a very own style that now needs to be improved in some issues, thinking about studying challenging things scares me because it requires an energy that I don't have for a long time. But my fear is not pleasing to my public.