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Hi, guys!

So this post here is about the Icon Sale, and to give those who haven't got a piece from me, and always wished for it, to get one too!

I'm bringing up this icon sale to make this possible for each one of you, but it will be a simple drawing to not overload my current schedule. YET, be sure i'll be putting a lot of love on those!

The slots openning will be: - Slots will open at 12pm, 14/09/23

  • - All slots will be on the special type, so only for those who havent got an art from me yet on the last 3 years;
  • - All the pieces are unique, there wont be a "recolor" of one another and there wont be a "mold" for 'em
  • It'll be 8 slots total, with 4 slots being reserved for the USD$8 Pledge Tier;
  • - 4 slots will be rsserved for the USD$8 Pledge Tier;
  • - Only patrons with a comfirmed payment can participate;
  • - Payment only through Paypal (Pix for Brazilians);
    - The prices will be USD$60 each piece

Due to the amount of slots it'll take some time until i get back on working into more complex ideas and arts, but if i get too tired i'll take a break on the icons for a while to come up with other arts, specially for training.
