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Welcome my dear followers, finally, after many moons, our cult will have its doors open for the old, and new members...

Due to our great hiatus, the demons and gods require your satiated thrist. Sacrifices and offerings must be made, but do not fear...here, the only punishment is pleasure without limits and the use of what's best you've all got.

Let's begin the Ascension ritual, let us empty the source of thy holy milk and transform it into a receptable for our gods. Who would like to volunteer themselves?


How to enlist in our ritual you ask yourself?

Well dear member, on the date and hour (specified bellow), the comment of "Slot - 1" shall be added to this post, the first member whom comments on this comment, shall have its chance to be ascended to our Elder Gods.

 -Date of the ritual -

08/22/2022  - Tuesday, at 18:10PM/6:10PM on Brasilia Standard time (GMT-3)


Ritual rules:

  • - Milk Payment only through Paypal
  • - Only men shall ascend (the women cult is on the other cave next to the forest, and the bisexual one is on the far end, there's a cake there)
  • - Once chosen, enter the altar with thy references in your hands and any additional detail
  • - Once chosen, you may NOT, join the other future rituals
  • - Only one shall be ascended (only one...for now...)
  • - Answer my comment that shall be added on the date and time to compete with the slot.
  • - You need to have at least 1 month of payment confirmed for our association UPC united by the cult.
