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Hey, everyone!

So, just to clarify some stuff, i just came back home this Monday from a last hour trip i did, and i'm trying to get back to the routine, but since i came back i feel a little frustrated with my work. I've been doing some doodles and trying to do some finished art even, but nothing is coming out in a way i enjoy it. I did the Bowser's Day art, the fox and the lamb one (that i haven't posted YET), some pokemon art i did for training and many more. Something is just bothering me on my work this month, but i'm still trying to put out all the ideas i have for drawing and i do hope to get back into my schedule next week.

Some problems about this is that i do want to bring back another season to the cult of the nipples, and i've been thinking a lot about my work's quality, and also about my YCH system. One of the things i thought about was for me to raffle off one among those who want to buy the YCH slot, i think this is better than the actual one which is "who comments first". (Ok, i just reminded that raffles are not allowed, so i need to think of another way of doing this...)

I'll be leaving the commissions for after the YCH, and i'm pretty excited to start it. Actually, that's a LOT of stuff to do already, and maybe i have lost myself when i was doing a "personal exploration", so tell me what do you think about everything!

But for now, thank you for supporting me, trusting and enjoying my work, i'll be always working onto something new, and maybe sometimes something generic just for fun, and i know i might seem silent for some who aren't on the Telegram channel, but be sure i'm always working on something! A big hug and, again, thank you all!

Now...Make up a line to revere the lider of the cult, because SOON™️ the doors will be open AGAIN!




Take your time so that you can always be putting out your best work ☺️I'll know I'll still be here

Paxton Roth

Going to see if I can grab one when they open~<3