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Hi there, Patreons! I'd like to leave here this month's message.

I'm really happy right now, I've never had so many people supporting me over here....and that encourages me to keep improving myself so I can deliver to you guys more and more art and content.

I've finished some commissions so I can work on your sketches with more care. One more thing: even though I'm working on simple sketches, I'm feeling like coloring them for you this month!

Thank you all for the help. Those small donations help me a lot and I'm proud to see my patreon like this :P

Also, in case some of you are wondering what's going on with my drawings: I know I'm drawing more buffed and bigger fursonas - thing is, I'm practicing with this kind of body (I always loved big pecs and nipples, but I was never able to actually draw them properly). I also love orcs and now I'll finally get to draw one too<3

I hope that this sudden change to my style won't bother you guys.Finally, you can send me your references through message (since they're sketches, they'll have random poses - and, obviously, nipples) and, once again, thank you very much

In case you want to chat with me, feel free to comment on my photos! Actually I love to read your comments - I can take some time to answer, but that's just because I need some help with the translations.

Thank you guys and see you soon!



Paxton Roth

Do we need to resend out references each month?


Yup! I'm a perfeccionist.....so it'd help me a lot. Sorry for the trouble! ^^''