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I made a mistake at the time of the conometer , to fix this awkward situation I open up 2 extra slots ( I'm still going to decide which type of 2 extra slots)

Hey everyone, now that i'm back, let's talk about what matters! My commissions will be oppened soon, and i know some are waiting for it! But first, let's talk about some important stuff:


This will be official post for the slots, that means if you wanna buy the slots, you'll come here to claim during the Date and Hour described on the post. I'll add a comment with the respective slots and it's numbers. To claim the slot is simple: reply to the comment refering to each slot, the 1st one to comment claims the slot!

In case of any doubts, just send me a private message!

[ DATE ]

I'll be oppening slots during Thursday, 11/25/2021 - 20:30h BRT



This time, i've decided to open 8 slots, but they'll be all separated in:

- 3 Special Slots ( those are reserved to people who NEVER bought any piece with me. Those are who only participated on YCH, Icon sales but doesn't have a COMMISSION done by me )

- 3 Line Sketch Slots ( Only an simple lineart sketch )

- 2 Regular slots ( All kinds of commission here! )

Attention! You MUST answer under my comment to claim the slots. Comments claiming otherwise wont be valid.


So, you got a slot, now what?

- After claiming one of the slots, you just need to message me here on Patreon! As soon as i'm able, i'll answer you so no need to worry about it! I'll work on commissions folowing the order of the slots, though that may change due to the complexity of the work;

- If it's of your interest, i may send you my private channels (like Telegram) to discuss details about your order and update you about your commission status, as well talk about changes and etc.;

- For your commission, send me your Character/OC ref(s) along with the description of your order! If possible, any photo for reference about the pose, scenario or any other details are always welcome for me to have a better idea on how to work your commission;

- And remember: any payment will be done only through Paypal, and i'll only ask for payment the moment i start working on your order;

- commissions are open only for patreons which payment is already confirmed

Only for people with 1 month or more with Patreon Support
