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How the comissions will work

- I'll open 5 slots at total, 2 normal slots and 3 slots exclusivelly to people who haven't got an art of mine in a while;

- At the comment section below my Commission Announcement i'll leave a comment with each respective slot. Those will be: Slot 1, Slot 2, , Special Slot 1 ,especial slot 2 Special Slot 3. Just comment bellow which slot you wanna claim!

- Any detail of the comission will be discussed later after you claim it!

So, you got a slot, now what?

- After claiming one of the slots, you just need to message me here on Patreon! As soon as i'm able, i'll answer you so no need to worry about it! I'll work on commissions folowing the order of the slots, though that may change due to the complexity of the work;

- If it's of your interest, i may send you my private channels (like Telegram) to discuss details about your order and update you about your commission status, as well talk about changes and etc.;

- For your commission, send me your Character/OC ref(s) along with the description of your order! If possible, any photo for reference about the pose, scenario or any other details are always welcome for me to have a better idea on how to work your commission;

- And remember: any payment will be done only through Paypal, and i'll only ask for payment the moment i start working on your order;

- commissions are open only for patreons which payment is already confirmed




Special slot - 1


special slot - 2


especial slot - 3


Is it possible for me to claim one


Damn, fucked over by patreon verify device haha


hello friend, to participate you must answer any of my comments.


damn, even tho I typed for the third slot "just now" after refreshing its already claimed for 3 minutes shame


I'd be interested in a slot. I guess maybe next time.


I got you. I answered at the same time as the other person lmfao.


hello tomas, unfortunately you cannot participate. your support payment has not yet been processed.


about the icons, they are special sales you can still get a special slot.


oh buddy i'm sorry i can't take the slot this time maybe next time. if you are still interested the icons are for sale outside the commissions list, for any questions just send me a message.


oh buddy....sorry...i think next time i will change the system...i will post and only at the time will i add the comments with the slots, i think it might work better this way.


this system is being a little messed up, I changed how it will work in the next opening of slots.


No worries. :). I'd love to get an icon, if you're still open for them. Should I note you?


I still am, it's those icons with animal crossin style, today I won't start working on commissions so I have the day off to make the icons. Important to note, buying this icon will not take away the privileges of the special slot if you can get one. if you are interested just send me a message.


I need to read the stuff I post, sometimes it doesn't make sense. sorry guys hahahaha

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 23:24:11 Congrats to those who won! Maybe next time <3
2021-08-27 17:36:51 Congrats to those who won! Maybe next time <3

Congrats to those who won! Maybe next time <3


Its fine. Patreon logged me out n then asked me to verify my device which took too long and couldnt claim, sucks cause i saw the slots empty when i checked in haha


Ooof I always never manage to pay attention to my notifications XD but congrats to the others! When do you think you'll open up slots again?


as soon as i finish the 5 slots and probably finish other small projects like comic, as soon as i'm free i'll post the next date