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Hey, everyone!

I took sometime to post all these drawings, but finally here they are! I'm dedicating some time to practice and test my new Drawing Table, and here are the results! I think you guys are the ones i trust the most to judge my work, so tell me, how does it look like? Does it look good?



Kamiyu the Red Panda

Since day one I have admired your beautiful colors, they look great.


I think i can notice a slight difference on the lines, they are thicker than before but that is but a minor detail. Still great as always my man.


They look great! The quality is perfectly consistent with your usual work. :3 If anything it looks like the lines might be a little darker than normal? But it's a super tiny difference so I'm not sure xD

Smokie ∆erg

The lines feel a little less crisp? But I don't mind the change. I think others are right that the lines are darker now.


yes, i feel that this new pen has some pressure problems and it is making me angry.


it is because of the pen, maybe it has some defect..I will try to change it at the end of the month.


Machos gostosos, a line parece um pouco diferente, mas eu não acho que seja ruim.