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 Hey everyone! I know I'm owing y'all some streams, so I'll be trying to do at least one art livestream each weekend, even if there isn't too much people to see them (I'm still dealing with arthritis and other health issues, but I'll give it my best anyways).


 - THE GOOD OLD....nipple>

 So, recently someone on twitter asked me about the pec sizes I've been drawing recently, and to be honest, I've been adjusting them to more regular sizes or at least proportional to the body size/anatomy of the model. Yet, I'm not stopping with the huge pecs and likewise nipples! If you want to see them on your OCs in a commission, feel free to tell me! Don't worry about too much formalities, just go ahead and say: "Hey Marlon, can you give me huge pecs and nipples?" I'll be more than happy to provide them for you!

 P.S.: "Regular pecs" are those big pecs I've been drawing recently hahaha don't worry! I'll never abandon my own style. All that I'm saying is that if you want something REALLY BIG, all you've gotta do is ask. I just don't draw something huge by default because I don't want to do anything to displease some clients whose tastes I still don't know, so I'm playing safe ^=

  - EVENT: 17 GAMING REFERENCES!  When I last did a drawing of my OC Samuel, I took a lot of time on his tattoos, making lots of them easter eggs and references regarding games that were too amazing and have had a huge impact in my life. So, here's a real challenge for you guys: if you guess CORRECTLY all the 17 games that are hinted on Samuel's tattoos, you'll win a free sketch drawing!




You really just need to draw what you enjoy more of. People will talk. Don't listen to everyone when it comes to changing your style... You won't please everyone


Huge pecs and nipples are part of what defines you and your art style though! If you have to go adjusting the pecs then at least keep the nipples a little larger than average! But I know that can't be forced on you...do whatever you feel is best and makes you happy!!


Hahaha don't worry buddy, I'm not planning on drawing smaller pecs, I'll still be making them look huge! It's just that I was looking back some arts I've done in the past and realized they weren't proportional to the models :D This just means that I'm gonna improve my pec/nipple mastery


thank you so much friend, i still love making big breastplates, GIANT ones, and if the client allows me to do it, i will make big breastpieces as in the beginning of my work. I am learning to filter what I am told, but I am satisfied with what I do. the big nipples will still continue, and if they ask for bigger I WILL MAKE BIGGER.


Well that makes much more sense! Haha Thanks for making that a bit more clear <3


hhaha i think someone translated my text wrong haha. I'm worried now.but don't worry haha, for example. the pectorals I’m currently doing are great, they’re medium sized. I would like to do much more. but if the client wants more he can let me know and so I will know that I will have this freedom


Heh it could be a translation issue but I understand what you are saying! I was only confused by what was said in the actual note. These two messages you sent me cleared everything up! :)