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 I was working on a Sticker Pack for people who likes more "Hot" stuff on telegram!

 To spice up your Telegram chats, i'm coming up with this repeatable "YCH" that's exclusive to patreon! To everyone who buy this pack, i'll be doing a stickers in the poses of the images below, so everyone can enjoy their own sticker pack! Also, don't worry, i'll make body adjustments based on YOUR preference!

 No bids, no competition, all you need to you is to reserve a slot as soon as i open!

I haven't decided yet how much it'll cost though, but there also one more pic i'm still working for the collection, so soon i'll have price details.


If yall like that idea, i can make others collections in different themes!(editado)




these... all look amazing D:


Omg yes I'll reserve as soon as these are open! Do you only get one sticker or the whole pack modified with your character?


the whole pack. i will also make a package for buttom characters


Would absolutely love to grab the 3rd pic!


All of them look fantastic! <3


want to buy for em all!

Papa Manti

Cant wakit to snag them all since they are patreon exclusives. :3


I am very happy that you liked it, I will finish this pack and start the next as soon as possible.


I am very happy that you liked it and maybe in the future I can make a pack Hype .. hmmm is possible