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However, now that the spell structure is complete I can at least ask for Lin's advice. While she may not understand all of the concepts behind the spell she can still help me. Although I am working on catching up to her, for now she still knows more than me.

However, I probably won't have enough time to devote to magic to be able to catch up to her. Right now, I am not in a rush and can afford to spend some time on magic, but that won't remain the case. Even now, I don't really have enough time for everything that I want to do.

Even with Lin's help I don't manage to fix all of the errors by dinnertime. Instead of going out, I convince Lin to eat dinner here so that I can try and finish the spell. She understands my obsession and agrees to eat from the pouch for my sake.

Not that it is all that much of a hardship considering all the delicious foods we have added to the pouch. Besides, this means that Lin can keep skimming and copying books during dinner. She isn't as enthusiastic about it as she was at the start, but she is still working hard.

It is probably the fact that she is just skimming the books and isn't able to read them right now. I know that that would drive me crazy pretty quickly if I was the one doing it. Unfortunately, since our time in this city is limited, we don't have any other option.

However, when we leave I will do my best to make sure she has plenty of time to read. Not only will that make her happy, but it will also give me more knowledge that I can access through her. That is important since I will not have the time to do that much reading myself.

Once we are done eating, I spend a little more time on the spell before we clean up our area. Then we head back to the suite, but when we get there someone is waiting for us. It is one of Zachariah's people, he is here to make a delivery and tell me that the warehouse was purchased.

Along with more weapons for me to enchant, the delivery also includes more wood for Lin. The stack of crates containing the weapons is even bigger than the last one. When I check them I find that there are over a hundred weapons for me to work on.

After the delivery guy leaves, I open the soulscape immediately and keep it shorter than usual. As soon as the soulscape ends I get to work on disenchanting the weapons. Since the elves are arriving tomorrow, I am likely to be too busy to work on the weapons tomorrow.


Congratulations! Skill Disenchanting has progressed to level 7!


Level 7

Int +14 Wis +14

You are skilled at removing any enchantments.

Considering how many weapons I have disenchanted lately, it isn't surprising that the skill leveled up. Come to think of it, that skill hasn't leveled up in a long, long time. The last time that I remember it leveling up was back when I found the elven city.

It is hard to believe just how much has happened since then, but it hasn't been all that long. It feels like things have been happening one after another ever since I arrived in this world. Come to think of it, I have never really stopped to even think about things.

Lin says "Hey, Ash!"

"Huh? What?"

Lin says "What were you thinking about? I asked if you were coming to bed three times."

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about everything that has happened since I came to this world. Of course I am coming to bed."

Lin says "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah, it's not a big deal."

Lin takes me at my word and we go to bed together. However, when Lin eventually falls asleep I don't join her. Instead I get back up, return to the living room, and finish disenchanting the weapons. Then I start enchanting them, luckily there are no special weapons this time.

While a part of my mind is handling the enchanting, the rest is thinking about the new spell. One by one I analyze each of the errors and all of the areas of the spell that they interact with. I doubt I can solve any of them with only part of my mind, so I just focus on studying them.

Hopefully, it will help when I get around to working on the spell again. Basically, I am just trying to make full use of the time that I am spending on enchanting the weapons. When the weapons are all enchanted and crated up, I go back to bed to get some sleep.

In the morning, after Lin and I have breakfast, we leave to find Almort. Then, with him in tow, we head over to the merchant group to fetch Zachariah. Zachariah leads us down to the docks and to the location of the warehouse.

It is an old wooden structure that looks like a strong breeze would be enough to knock it down. However, it is more than big enough for the castle to fit in its place. It is only a single street away from the docks, meaning the area is busy.

"Do I need to worry about the old building?"

Zachariah says "Nope. Go ahead and do whatever you need to do."

Turning my attention to the warehouse I scan with my mana to make sure it is empty. I have no idea if this city has problems with homeless people squatting, but I don't want to kill anyone by mistake. After making sure it is empty, I begin casting a fire spell, but with some additions.

When I release the spell the entire building ignites at the same time, but it is completely contained. Even the heat of the fire isn't able to reach us, everything is being channeled upwards. Of course, a building suddenly erupting in flames gets a lot of attention.

It only takes a minute for the entire structure to be completely reduced to ashes. Then a simple wind spell gets rid of the ashes leaving a plot of bare dirt. Luckily, there was no basement for me to worry about filling in.

By this point there is a huge crowd gathered around to watch and see what's going on. As I take the castle out of the pouch I am looking forward to watching their reactions. When I toss out the castle and it returns to full size there are screams and gasps all around me.

Almort and Zachariah yell "By the Gods!!"

Lin and I just laugh at their reaction, it looks like they didn't believe me about the castle. Stepping forward, I push open the gate and then invite the two of them inside. A couple of other people try to follow us inside, but since they aren't invited they get blasted away by the defenses.



It is been such a long time, I don’t even remember all the skills Ash has. Ash’s scrimshaw and leather abilities are now better than Walter’s and Mitch’s— even if his skill level is lower.


That new industrial space will be really handy as part of the new trade route - assuming they “land” the airship in the bay to avoid the need of a dedicated airstrip or air dock. Storage, HQ. I’d include a discreet doorway so once the castle is moved to the pocket dimension, you can include a door 🚪 that connects to the demon hunter dock, or the airship, or the elven city or the mage tower.. except at location there is no door. It’s just a rock solid wall and only changes to a door then moment you are stepping through. Ash should hire me as an ideas consultant haha. Or maybe just meet up with the other traveler’s to get missing info … like more music 🎶