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Lin says "Good. I didn't want to see you lose yourself in researching. Making new spells can get addictive, so I was a little worried."

"Yeah, I can see that being a problem. If I didn't have so many other responsibilities, I can see losing myself in creating new spells."

Lin says "It is rewarding isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. Did you get sucked into researching when you were younger?"

Lin says "Yes I did. For a couple of years in fact. That is why I was a little worried for you."

"Well, don't worry. I could never get so absorbed by something that you couldn't pull me out of it."

Lin says "What do you mean? What could I do to pull you out of an obsession?"

"All you would have to do is strip. I could never ignore you naked."

Lin blushes at my answer, but she also has a big smile on her face at the same time. She steps forward and kisses me, but then after a minute she stops and has a strange look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Lin says "I don't know, but kissing you felt different somehow. It almost felt like I was kissing you in your normal form instead of your human form. I know that doesn't make any sense, but that is what it felt like."

"No, it actually makes sense. It isn't about how the body feels, it is about the shapeshift. The old shapeshift was imperfect, any form I was in would feel a little off. Of course, only someone with exceptional mana senses would be able to notice. You got used to feeling that and now it is gone."

Lin says "So your new spell is a perfect shapeshift? Kissing you will feel this way from now on?"

"Almost perfect and yes. As far as the detection spell is concerned, right now I am a human. That is what I was aiming for, natural shapeshifting."

Lin says "Then I guess I will need to get used to it."

Before I can answer, Lin starts kissing me again and I am not about to complain. After several minutes of kissing, we return to the library and continue our work. Once I get back ot it, it doesn't take me too much longer to finish the simple version of the enchantment.

It doesn't end up exactly as planned, it is about three times as effective as the original. That isn't quite the halfway point I was aiming for, but I think it will work. After rechecking both enchantments, I hand them to Lin for her to look them over.

Lin says "I don't see any problems with them, but I don't think I can cast the complex one. The other I shouldn't have a problem with, so I can help you with the enchanting."

"Alright. If you need a break from skimming books you can help, but otherwise I will take care of it. We are not in a rush so I am not too worried about the weapons. They are only a source of money, which we don't need urgently."

Lin says "I thought you wanted to make money so you could convert it into materials before we leave?"

"I do, but it isn't urgent. It is just something to do while waiting for the elves to arrive. Getting more knowledge is more important. Besides, I like how happy getting new books makes you."

Lin says "When are you going to start?"

"I'll go see Zachariah tomorrow and see if he has weapons ready for me to enchant."

Lin says "Then should we call it a night?"

"Are you ready to stop reading?"

Lin says "Yes. I've been at it all day and my eyes are tired."

"Alright, let's go."

We clean up our mess and return to our suite. Then I open up a soulscape and invite everyone. Before the kids can run off to play I ask if any of them want to learn shapeshifting. Other than Kechara and Asuna, Nala and Albion are interested. So, I teach the four of them the new shapeshifting spell.

Aside from my kids, I also teach the spell to Myria and Brightfire, Lin already knows it. They probably won't use it very often, but it is still a good thing for them to know it. Both of them have just enough mana to be able to use the spell once.

After they have learned the spell, we all sit down to watch anime together. Once the soulscape is closed I make love to Lin and then sleep beside her. After staying up for the past couple of days, I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed.

In the morning, Lin and I have some fun, eat breakfast together, and then split up. She returns to the library and I head over to the merchant group's building to see Zachariah. As soon as I walk in I am greeted by a cute employee and led to the VIP materials room.

Zachariah says "Welcome, Ash. Is there something I can do for you?"

"I completed the weapon enchantments so I wanted to discuss it with you."

Zachariah says "Already? Alright, give me a minute."

Zachariah finishes issuing some instructions to his people and then takes me up to his office. Before we can even sit down an employee enters and serves tea and snacks.

Zachariah says "So, how did the enchantment turn out?"

"There are two versions. One for mass produced weapons and one for more special ones. The first is about three times as effective as the one you use while the second is about five times as effective."

Zachariah says "That's amazing! I was expecting an improvement, but not that drastic!"

"I told you, enchanting is my specialty."

Zachariah says "True and I am sorry for doubting you."

"It's fine. So, do you have weapons ready so that I can start?"

Zachariah says "Some. Thirty or so. I will send them to your suite in the association. It will take me some time to get weapons of enough quality for the special enchantment. My blacksmiths can only produce so much."

"Then maybe you should buy unenchanted weapons from elsewhere. Or even cheap enchanted weapons. I can always disenchant them."

Zachariah says "Really? I was always told that disenchanting an item is extremely dangerous."

"It is, if you don't know what you are doing. I do know and I have had a lot of practice with it."

Zachariah says "In that case, I have a lot more weapons that we can use. There are a number of weapons in storage that the enchantment process failed on. Eventually they would have been melted down, but if you can use them, I will send them over."

"Yes, I can use them."

Zachariah says "Excellent! I will send over everything we have. I will also have someone check in each day to pick up any completed weapons and deliver more weapons as I get them."



How come he didn’t teach them the shapeshifting disenchanting spell? Poor Lizzy is running around the peninsula bitting demons all day. Yes, she loves running, but how about spa day for Lizzy. She has to keep up her girlish good looks.