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I also find myself enjoying listening to Lin's voice quite a bit, but I won't admit that. Although, I do find myself wondering if Lin likes to sing, maybe I will ask her at some point. After a couple of stories, Lin puts the book away and starts feeding Mulan and Mushu their dinner.

We have found that it is easier if we feed them and put them to bed before we try to eat. I feel a little bad leaving everything to Lin, but I really need to finish these gems. If I don't finish them before tomorrow, it will delay the modifications of the ship.

Luckily, Lin doesn't seem to mind and only calls me over once it is our turn to eat dinner. For once I eat as quickly as I can and don't even take the time to enjoy my food. As soon as I have filled my belly I go straight back to working on the gems.

However, once I see Nala and Albion are asleep I open a soulscape and invite everyone. Since I have stuff to do I keep the soulscape open for only an hour, which is only a few minutes of real time. As soon as I end the soulscape I go back to work and I invite Lin over to sit with me.

Lin says "What's up, Ash?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the future. You have been very patient with me, and I appreciate that."

Lin says "Does that mean you have made your decision?"

"Yes, I have. I have decided to accept your feelings and my own. However, there are going to be some complications."

Lin says "I am very happy to hear that! By complications, do you mean Brightfire?"

"Yes, but not only Brightfire. There is also Myria and I can't promise there won't be others later. I seem to attract women who don't like hearing no."

Lin says "Is that directed at me?"

"Yes, it is. If you weren't like that, we wouldn't be having this conversation though. In fact, you would probably still be in the Magic Kingdom."

Lin smiles and says "So, you are saying you like my stubbornness?"

"Yes, but that is besides the point. We need to talk about Brightfire and Myria."

Lin says "Brightfire and I have already discussed it. Tell me about Myria?"

"What do you mean you've already discussed it?"

Lin says "Don't worry about the details. All you need to know is that she won't cause any problems and is alright with being your second woman."

"And you are okay with this?"

Lin says "Yes. I knew from the beginning that I would have to share you. Now, tell me about Myria."

While I am curious about the details, I can wait and ask her about it later. For now I tell her about how I met Myria and everything that has happened since. I continue working on the gems while I talk and I tell Lin everything I can think of.

After I run out of things to say Lin starts asking questions, mostly about her personality. I answer all of her questions to the best of my ability, then at her request I open another soulscape. Then I invite Lin, Brightfire, and Myria, but Myria doesn't answer the invitation.

Lin says "Is there any way you can force her to come? Or even just make it more than a standard invitation?"

"To be honest I have never tried, but I'll give it a try. Myria, I command you to enter the soulscape!"

A minute later a very surprised looking Myria appears, but I don't get a chance to talk to her. As soon as she appears Lin and Brightfire grab her and drag her away from me. Then they create a building around themselves and I am left to sit and wait.

Luckily, since we are in the soulscape the time won't cost me too much real time. However, I very quickly get bored just sitting here and waiting for them. On the other hand, I am not stupid enough to interrupt them or try to spy on them.

This is my soulscape so I could easily spy on them if I wanted to, but that would be disrespectful. Besides, if they ever found out they would make the rest of my life absolutely miserable. Considering I am probably going to be in some form of relationship with all three of them, that would be horrible.

While I hope the three of them will manage to get along, I don't want to be the common enemy that unites them. Since that is the case, staying out of this is my best bet, let them sort it out. This is the soulscape, so they can't kill each other, just beat each other up.

The thought of the three of them fighting makes me tempted to figure out how to make Jello. Just thinking about it keeps me distracted for a while, but also makes me regret my celibacy. However, I don't plan to end it just yet, I will give Lin time to think things through.

Rushing into things is never a good idea, especially if you want it to last. While I can't really plan too long term, I still want to do things the right way. Of course, it will also depend on what Lin wants to do, this is not a decision I can make alone.

To distract myself from random thoughts and my boredom, I create a copy of the ship. Then I go through the modifications I am planning looking for any problems. Since it is the soulscape I can't guarantee that the tests I run are accurate.

However, I can at least spot any glaring errors I have made in planning the modifications. The fact that I can make things transparent at will does help me plan the supports I will need. After much consideration I have decided to add two pontoons to the sides of the ship.

Not only will this give me more room for propellers in phase one, but room for verticals in phase two. Using the floating metal should allow me to nullify the ship's weight, then propellers will provide lift. At the same time the propellers and sails will provide forward thrust.

I have even thought of an enchantment based on my own shapeshifting. If it works how I want it to, the propellers will be able to shift between air and water mode. I thought of that because with the ship's size it will only be able to land in water.

Not that it should have to land very often, but it might need to occasionally. Even after adding all of the modifications for phase one there is no sign of the women. So, I move on and start adding the phase two modifications to test them out.

These are a lot less important because I will probably change my mind a lot before phase two. However, playing around with them will help refine the entire airship idea. Honestly, we don't really need an airship at all, but I really want to have one.

The more time that passes, the more I worry about what the girls might be talking about. I wouldn't put it past any of them for them to be plotting something together. Of course, Lin and Brightfire have already been plotting, so they only need to convince Myria.



Three wives?!?! Is this Mushoku Tensei? Where is the fiery redhead? Wait… Is Lin a redhead? I don’t remember her hair color.