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Then once I am done telling stories, I create a soulscape and invite all the kids. Then once all the kids arrive, I invite Lin, Mulan, and Mushu to join us in the soulscape. Lin joins immediately, but the two babies take some time before they arrive.

Once I have made introductions all around, I spend some time and teach the babies about the soulscape. As I had hoped, Ekard responds positively to his new little sister Mushu. Especially once I explain to him that she is a newborn and doesn't know anything about being a drake.

Ekard takes it upon himself to start teaching her how to be a drake, not that he knows much. However, it is good to see them getting along, it should be good for both of them. When I look around for Mulan, I find her in Lin's lap, but that isn't what worries me.

Lin is currently having a serious looking conversation with Kechara and Asuna. Kechara and Asuna, as my first two kids, know more about me than anyone else. I hope Lin is just getting to know them and not fishing for information about me.

She probably isn't, after all I have answered pretty much anything she asked me. She is probably just getting to know them and I am just being paranoid. Besides, my kids would never turn against me, especially for someone they just met.

I decide to trust them and not intrude, instead I play with Ekard and Mushu. Once Mushu is used to the soulscape, I create some mice for the two of them to chase around. This really helps Mushu learn how to move her body better, at least in theory.

She will need to practice outside of the soulscape, but this will make it easier for her. With Ekard helping her learn, she is able to avoid a lot of the mistakes he made. More importantly, she is having tons of fun chasing and eating the mice.

Of course, I cheated a little, the mice taste like chocolate and are slower than real mice. Seeing Nala and Haku staring at the mice, I create some bigger ones for them to chase. They are about the size of house cats, but they still taste like chocolate.

I also didn't slow them down, Nala and Haku are going to have to work for their treats. I just sit back and have fun watching them running around trying to catch their prey. I control things so that they each have their own area and don't run into each other.

When I see that Albion is being left out, I create a patch of chocolate grass for him. Since he doesn't have the instinct to chase things, that is enough to make him happy. I made sure it was close enough to the others that he would at least be able to listen to the conversations.

Normally, we only stay in the soulscape for a few hours, but this time we stay a lot longer. We spend almost eight hours playing in the soulscape, but only a little over an hour passes outside. When I end the soulscape Nala and Albion are sound asleep, but Lin is still awake.

"So, do you regret your promise?"

Lin says "Absolutely not! Your kids are great! If I hadn't already made the promise, I would make it right now."

"That is reassuring. From what I saw, all my kids like you too."

Lin says "It is amazing that you have gathered so many powerful beasts. I would love to hear how you met each of them."

Since Lin doesn't seem tired, for the rest of the night I tell her how I met my kids. I also tell her about each of them and their personalities to help her when she talks to them. Just as I start thinking about breakfast I feel the motion of the ship change.

"It feels like we have arrived."

Lin says "In that case, when are we leaving?"

"There is no rush, we can have breakfast first."

As if breakfast is a magical word, as soon as I say it all four kids wake up. Lin distracts Nala and Albion with pets while I take care of feeding the babies. Then the four of us have our breakfast while the babies play on and around us.

By the time we are done eating, the food has caught up to the babies and they are getting sleepy. I settle the two of them down for a nap and then take Lin with me up to the bridge. Stillwater and Brightfire are on the bridge when we get there and the ship is at anchor.

Stillwater says "Ash, what is the plan now?"

"First, Lin and I will go scout the city. Then, if there are elves to rescue, we will plan our attack."

Brightfire says "Why does she get to go with you?!"

"Because she is a human and can blend in. You would have to pretend to be a slave to go with me and I doubt your acting skills are up to that."

Stillwater says "He is right and I wouldn't want you to be in such a situation anyway."

Brightfire immediately starts arguing with her father, so I give a signal to Lin. She quickly climbs onto my back and we take off while they are still distracted. I then fly to the north, following the coast, and go looking for the port city.

When I spot the city, I land far enough away that we won't be spotted. Then I shapeshift into human form and the two of us start walking up the road. The city guards stare so much at Lin that they forget to charge us to enter the city.

After we pass the gate I stop, take out the twin swords I got at the auction, and put them across my back. I also alter my shapeshift just a little to make myself look more intimidating. Then as we continue into the city I move next to Lin and put my arm over her shoulder.

Lin says "I knew I would cause you trouble."

"This is nothing, don't worry about it."

Lin says "This is only the beginning, it will get worse."

"If it does, I will handle it. Just in case, let's find the charts I need first."

Lin says "Alright. If we have time I would like to do some shopping. We left in a hurry, there are some things I need."

"Sure, we can do that. As long as we keep moving we should be fine."

As we walk down the main street of the city, Lin draws every single eye. Luckily, I have gotten used to being stared at, so it doesn't bother me, but it makes Lin nervous. She has probably gotten used to hiding from the public eye for this exact reason.

As we approach the central square I spot a shop bearing the symbol of the merchant group. Heading into the shop, I pull out my VIP card and show it to the clerk. He quickly welcomes us and then runs to fetch the manager of the store.



I’m a bit surprised Ash hasn’t tried to disguise Lin just so there isn’t a link to the magic kingdom and the elves he bought and magicians he killed. Maybe this town isn’t linked? I have a feeling Ash might be secretly showing off his new girlfriend … 100% this comes back to bite him and I love it.


This town is neutral as I remember. It's a border town to a demons lands. And it more of a mercenary city.


I wonder if ash will think of making some rings that make people overlook them... didn't he make cloaks at one point? Wouldn't be a bad idea at least to make Lin more comfortable... but it wouldn't put him in as much trouble as I hope this all gets him into lol