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Of course, that also means that I won't be able to avoid talking to her and finishing the conversation. Logically, I feel that I should just tell her that I like her, but that will lead to other things. I am not sure I am mentally prepared to open that door, but that is just another excuse.

I know it is an excuse, yet I can't seem to convince myself that telling her I like her is a good idea. At least not before I have made up my mind about sleeping with her. If I am not going to sleep with her then it is a better idea to keep her at a distance.

If I go that route, then both Lin and Brightfire are going to be furious, with good reason. The more I think about it, the more I feel like a coward for thinking that way. The truth is, when it comes to dealing with feelings, I really am a coward.

What's worse is I always have been, I just couldn't admit it to myself before. Now that I have, I really can't stand to keep being a coward and hiding behind excuses. The only way to stop is to actively do what I am scared of, which means acknowledging my emotions.

Just thinking of doing so is terrifying to me, but if I want to change I have to do it. This is probably the result that the goddesses were aiming for when they started this series of events. It is also going to make Lin and Brightfire happy, but I am not sure how Myria is going to react.

She definitely won't like the fact that I have slept with others before her. However, I think the fact that she finally gets to sleep with me will make up for that. I am scared of her reaction, but I can't let that stop me, I need to move forward.

These thoughts occupy my mind all the way back to the ship, but my mind is made up. I have made my decision and now all I need to do is force myself to carry through with it. Not chickening out is going to be the hardest part and the longer I wait the harder it will be.

I land on the bridge and describe the situation to Stillwater and the others. Brightfire has joined them, but Lin is not there, which is probably a good thing. I need to figure out what we are going to do about the ships before I talk to her.

"So, Stillwater, what do you think?"

Stillwater says "If it was just the two fast ships I would say we fight. The three large ships are a different matter."

Brightfire says "Fighting them we would definitely take losses, but we can't outrun the small ships."

Silverstream says "Besides, running would mean skipping the next port city."

"We can't do that, we need charts of the northern waters."

Brightfire says "We also can't pass by without checking for enslaved elves."

Stillwater says "Agreed. Which leaves either fighting or hiding."

Silverstream says "They already have us in their sights, would hiding even work at this point?"

"With just the fog, probably not. But there might be another option."

Stillwater says "What option?"

"I'm not sure yet, I need to consult with Lin and see what spells she knows."

Silverleaf says "Aren't you just looking for a chance for your girlfriend to show off?"

"No, I'm not. Lin is a very powerful mage in her own right and she knows way more spells than I do."

Stillwater says "Alright, we still have some time. Go speak with her and see if any of her spells can help us."

Brightfire says "I'm coming too."

So Brightfire and I head down to my cabin to find Lin who is currently meditating. Mulan is still sleeping right where I left her, but Nala and Albion are gone. They are probably wandering around the ship getting pets from the elves.

Lin says "Ash, you are back already? I expected you to avoid me for a lot longer."

"We can discuss that later, we have a problem. There is a fleet of human ships chasing us, two small ships and three large ones. The small ships will catch up within a few hours."

Lin says "Oh. What can I do to help?"

"I was hoping you might know some spells that could help."

Lin says "That depends. I know plenty of spells to help in battle, but that doesn't feel like what you are asking."

"If it was just the two small warships we would fight them, but we can't take on the three large ones. I was more looking for a spell that would stop their pursuit."

Brightfire says "Sinking them all would work too."

Lin says "Hm, what's the weather like?"

"Mostly clear, just a few clouds here and there. Why?"

Lin says "I know a spell to summon a storm, but it isn't powerful enough to create one out of nothing."

"Weather at sea can be quite unpredictable, I think it could work. I should be able to boost the spell as you cast it. Especially since it involves wind magic."

Lin says "You can boost a spell as it is being cast? How?!"

"By watching you form the shape of the spell and adding in pure mana at the right points."

Lin says "That sounds dangerous, are you sure you can do it?"

"Pretty sure. Besides, if I mess up it is most likely to create a bigger storm."

Brightfire says "Keep in mind we have to be able to sail through the storm you create."

"Relax, I built this ship to handle anything that gets thrown at it. Even if it gets damaged, it will repair itself. That includes the sails."

Lin says "Are you saying this ship is unsinkable?"

"No, no, I am not claiming that. However, I trust it to handle any storm short of a hurricane."

Lin says "Well, if we try this we may find out if that's true. I can't think of any other spell I know that will work in this situation."

"If this is our only choice, then I say we go for it. However, it will be Stillwater who makes the final choice, let's go ask him."

Brightfire says "Why do you always make my dad make the decisions?"

"Because I am not an elf, I shouldn't be making the decisions for the elves."

Brightfire says "Your race doesn't matter, every elf on this ship would follow you without question."

"Yes, but once we reach the peninsula I won't be around. That is why I want everyone to get used to following Stillwater. It will make it easier for him later."

Brightfire says "Oh, that makes sense I guess."

"Come on. Let's go talk to Stillwater."

The three of us head up to the bridge and fill Stillwater in on the storm option. It doesn't take him long to decide to let us go through with it and see what happens. Silverstream also agrees with the plan, only Silverleaf doesn't say anything.

"Do you need anything for casting the spell?"

Lin says "No. I can begin anytime."


Noah Sherwin

This is an arguably safer plan than what I had in mind. I'd fully expected him to recklessly use his new hover stones to take the ship to the skies—the solutions to elevation, steering, and acceleration all being "get out and push".

Noah Sherwin

This is an arguably safer plan than what I had in mind. I'd fully expected him to recklessly use his new hover stones to take the ship to the skies—the solutions to elevation, steering, and acceleration all being "get out and push".