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So I tell them about my little side adventure in the human lands and the auction. They both have a good laugh at my problems with the princess trying to chase me. Neither of them is surprised when I tell them about the phoenix and the drake egg.

"That reminds me, do either of you know what a phoenix eats? Is it going to be okay with just magical fire or does it need meat too?"

Seronia says "It will be good with just fire, but meat can be used too."

"That's good. Speaking of food, is there a way to add new recipes to the food pouch?"

Seronia says "Um, no. We didn't think of that."

"Then can I have permission to see if I can improve the pouch?"

Krenocia says "I guess so, but if you break it we won't replace it!"

"That's fine. My skills have improved quite a bit, I shouldn't have any problems."

Seronia says "So, is that all that happened on your adventure?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Krenocia says "Then why didn't you mention Lin at all?"


Seronia says "Are you trying to keep your new girlfriend a secret from us?"

"First of all she is not my girlfriend! She might be a student, but I'm not sure yet. Honestly, I don't know what to call her right now."

The two goddesses give me a look and then start moving towards me. As they move, for the first time ever, I feel my control of the soulscape broken. Not only do the goddesses take control of the soulscape, but they also force me to shapeshift.

By the time they reach me I am in human form and there is a force holding me in place. I might be strong enough to have fought them for control, but I wasn't expecting the attack. A chair appears behind me and they force me to sit down, then they each sit on one of my legs.

"Um, what's going on? Why did you take over my soulscape?"

Seronia says "So that you can't escape!"

Krenocia says "We are tired of the way you always dodge or avoid us!"

Seronia says "That's right, this time you can't run away! Tell us the truth!"

"Alright, I find her attractive and was tempted for a minute. But I am not getting involved with her. I am just going to teach her because I am curious if a human can learn to use magic the way I do."

Seronia says "If you were tempted, why did you back off? She straight up offered for it to just be fun with no attachments."

"Just how much have you been watching me?!"

Krenocia says "Pretty much constantly since you met her! Now answer the question."

"I am going to die, I have mostly made peace with that. I am worried if I get attached to someone, it will make it harder."

Seronia says "You are afraid that living will make dying harder? I hate to tell you this, Ash, but that is how life works!"

Krenocia says "If you keep bottling things up and getting frustrated, you may not live to see the demon war. The way you are going, you are going to snap and go insane. If that happens your friends and kids will be the ones that have to put you down. Do you really want to do that to them?"

"Oh, come on. You are exaggerating. It's not that bad. I won't go insane before the war."

Seronia says "Why take the chance? If you don't want to get involved with a mortal, we can help you relieve your stress."

"I am a mortal. How am I supposed to wrap my head around sleeping with a goddess, let alone two of you?!"

Krenocia says "Then choose a mortal to have fun with. There is a whole list of them just waiting for one word from you."

"You saw that too huh? Is that what set all of this off?"

Seronia says "No, we have been worrying about you for a while. You are under a lot of stress and it will only get worse. If you don't find an outlet then you could face some serious problems."

Krenocia says "Of course, we were hoping you would choose us. Just as we hope for you to choose to become a god and take us as your wives. We both genuinely care about what happens to you and not just because we need you to win the war."

"I admit that my mental state has changed some since I was summoned. That is only natural considering what I have been through. I don't think I have gone crazy, nor do I think  I will, but I promise to think about what you have said. However, I am not promising to do anything more than think about it."

Seronia says "I guess that is enough for now. Please stop avoiding us though, we want to be of help. If nothing else you can always come to us to talk. We may not always be able to help, but we can listen."

Krenocia says "We are also available if you want to do more than talk. Keep in mind, this is a soulscape, there are no consequences here."

"I have to worry about breaking the mortal girls because of my strength. With the two of you I am more worried that you will break me. But I will keep that in mind as well."

Seronia says "That is all we can ask for now. Do you have any other questions for us?"

"No. Oh wait, is it going to be a problem for the world if I build an airship?"

Krenocia says "An airship? Are you meaning a ship that can fly?! Is that even possible?"

"Yes. I have been thinking of ways to make my current ship into an airship."

Seronia says "That would be an impressive sight to see. It will probably change the world, but progress is progress. It can't be stopped. So, if you can build an airship, then go ahead."

"I've still got a few things to figure out, but I am pretty sure I can do it. Once I figure things out it will still take some time to make modifications to the ship. I just wanted to get permission now before I forget to ask."

Krenocia says "That is a nice change, normally you ask after you have already done something."

"That's because I forget, or because I figure you will say no if I ask first. In my old world we had a saying, 'It is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.'"

Seronia says "That saying pretty much describes most of our interactions. You have been using that saying to deal with us from the start haven't you?"

"Um, maybe."

Krenocia says "Are we really that scary?"


Seronia says "Why are we scary to you?"

"For one thing you are goddesses, for another you control whether I live or die. I have enough problems dealing with beautiful women, when you add godhood on top it becomes terrifying. No matter how friendly you act, or how much you tease me, I can never forget that you can kill me with a thought."

Krenocia says "I would never do that!"

"I didn't say you would, I said you could. Just the fact that you can is scary enough. Especially since I seem to be really good at pissing you both off."

Seronia says "I always thought you did that on purpose. You seemed to enjoy us being mad at you."



Can Ash create multiple concurrent soulscapes at once? So he could split them up and spend time chatting with a different wife in each one at the same time?


That would be epic…. BUT, I don’t think Ash can handle one woman let alone two Goddesses.


I'd say he would have to split his mind or soul to do it. But it's might be a good idea for a experiment chapter, with a heavy whooping of his ass by goddesses after.


I can clearly picture original Ash sitting in chair watching 20 screens with other versions of him programmed for “listening and supportive responses only” each in a unique soulscape … and in every single instance “stand in Ash” is getting absolutely skewered by an enraged companion each enraged by Ash’s apparent lack of attention to them as they each assume he has grown cold because he loves someone else. Then 21 ash’s in a room after trying to come up with a solution .. but all sitting there dumbfounded with no idea how to put the genie back in the bottle


Heh.. looks like the goddesses are gonna make this into an adult book haha. Start that harem already ash you need a stress relief best way is to get some booty... And I don't mean a pirate hoard haha. Just release control and see what happens... You can heal them after all.. maybe even resurrect them lol... Though I know ash doesn't want to hurt any of them but who ever he chooses, if anyone at all, the others will all be jealous... Maybe try it out in soulscape first then see if anything would happen. Sheesh make a ring of humanity and weaken all states to a lowly normal unenhanced human... Lol I dunno bud but looks like your started to get backed into a corner... Anyways I can't say I don't like the idea... I'm just curious if he'll take the bait... Heh 😏