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When I wake up from my nap I have grown a bit, enough to be immediately obvious. It isn't a huge amount of growth, just a couple of inches, but it happened in the two hours I was napping. That is pretty impressive and it is probably due to the meat from the allosaurus.

That makes me turn to look at Nala, who is napping next to me, she has changed a bit too. She hasn't grown as much as I did, but her fur is now brighter and the patterns are more distinct. It makes me wonder if there is something special about the allosaurus or just mana rich meat in general.

The food produced by the pouch is delicious and nutritious, but it doesn't contain mana. It would probably have to be at artifact level to produce mana rich food. While I wouldn't mind trying to upgrade it, I am sure the goddesses would kill me.

So, for now, I will make sure that me and Nala have real meat to eat and see how it goes. It shouldn't be too hard, the meat from the allosaurus alone will last for days. I am fairly sure that I am going to run into other predators as I explore the island.

I am also curious if my instincts just wanted meat or the allosaurus specifically. Considering it was a fire beast I think that it is more likely that was the reason. Especially since nothing happened when I was looking at the triceratops.

Herbivores tend to be tastier than carnivores, but that is only when mana is not involved. The more mana a beast has the tastier it is from my experience so far. Hence why the drakes have been the tastiest things I have found in this world.

It makes me wonder what would happen if I were to infuse more mana into a beast before killing it. It could improve the taste of the meat, but it could also make the beast a monster or just blow it up. I probably shouldn't experiment on beasts, but I am kinda curious what would happen.

However, I am not going to do any experiments, my curiosity has caused enough trouble recently. From now on I plan to keep my curiosity in better check, or at least try to. Although, how well that is going to work remains to be seen, I am fairly impulsive.

Instead of going out to explore some more I decide I have put off facing the music for long enough. So I create a soulscape and invite Myria, Core, Kechara, Asuna, Isabella, and Nived. I have been avoiding updating them because I will have to admit what has happened to me.

Myria arrives first and immediately starts yelling at me for making her worry. It has been at least a week since I last updated her, which is why she is so mad. The others arrive while she is yelling at me but they all just stand and watch.

Myria yells "Stop trying to play cute! You are not going to make me stop being mad just by using a cute form!"

"Um, actually, this is my new body, not a form."

Myria screams "What?!"

"That's why I wanted to speak with everyone."

Asuna says "Really, dad?"

"Yes, this is me now!"

Asuna says "That's great!!"

"Why so excited?"

Asuna says "You are more like us now!"

Core says "Ash, what happened to you??"

Once everyone settles down and is ready to listen, I start telling the story of the gem. It is obvious from their faces that they are finding the story hard to believe. However, it is me we are talking about, so it just takes some time for them to accept it.

Myria says "I told you how many times not to do something stupid! And what did you do?!"

Core says "Was the gem really trying to make you a god?"

Isabella says "I can't wait until I tell Ruby about this!!"

"Yes, Myria, I did something stupid again. Core, that is my best guess. Isabella, do you have to?"

Isabella says "Oh, absolutely! We keep no secrets from each other!"

Kechara says "I think this new body suits you, father!"

Asuna says "It's cute!"

Nived says "It is an interesting story, but why am I here?"

"Because, after this, I want to have a chat with you and Core about magic."

Nived says "Oh, alright."

Myria says "So, this body is permanent?"

"As permanent as my old one I guess."

Myria says "So there is a chance you will become a humanoid again?"

"Well, not unless I end up doing something stupid again."

Myria says "In that case, the odds are good!"

Everyone has a good laugh at that, and I can't really argue against it since it is true. Not that I would get very far even if I did try to argue, my curiosity is at fault. I am planning to try and control my curiosity better, but Myria is probably right.

I create some comfy seating as well as tables full of snacks and drinks for everyone. Then we sit around and catch up, it has been a while since we have seen each other. For the first little while I am doing all the talking, everyone wants to know what I have been up to.

"Isabella, how is it going with you and Ruby in the Free Union?"

Isabella says "We are doing just fine! You were right about there being lots of beast hunting quests in the south. We are currently in the largest city in the south, Cordaboor, and there is a lot for us to do!"

"That's good! Are the disguises working out?"

Isabella laughs and says "Oh yes! No one at all has bothered us!"

"Really? How did you pull that off?"

Isabella says "We are running around disguised as young men!"

Myria says "Isn't that uncomfortable?!"

Isabella says "Not really, it is a magical disguise. Although, watching Ruby deal with girls trying to flirt with her is hilarious!!"

"That is something I would pay to see!!"

Isabella says "She would turn you into charcoal!"

"No, she wouldn't! I am completely immune to fire! All it would do is heal me!"

Isabella says "Even the blue fire you taught her?"

"Yep! My new body came with some perks!"

Myria says "Then she will just have to beat you up physically!"

Isabella says "No way! He would enjoy it too much!"

Core says "What is that supposed to mean?"

Myria says "Uh, I'll explain it when you are older!"

Core says "I am thousands of years old!"

Myria says "That doesn't count! You've only been awake for less than a year!"

Isabella says "Enough you two! We got way off topic!"

"Anyway! It is good that the two of you found a place where you can grow stronger."

Isabella says "Yeah, we are doing fine."

"Just keep in mind, when the war starts you are right in the invasion path."

Isabella says "We are both aware of that. We have plans in place to get out quickly if needed."



Finally I was dreading and excited for him to spill the beans to everyone else. This is nice and a lot funnier then expected. Though I surprised no one has tried to pet on him... So furry and fluffy I hope all the updates and going smoothly I hope everyone is progressing well. Ash definitely needs to work hard on learning some magic now. But I think it's all for the best.