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Since I want the humans to lose, I just keep sitting and watching the battle. It is actually kind of hard for me to sit and watch the fight without joining in. The longer I sit watching, the more twitchy I start to feel, patience is not my strong suit.

The idea of running over and breaking a hole in the wall crosses my mind. While that would speed things up I feel that the humans deserve the chance to fight things out. If they managed to win I would still kill them all, but they don't know that.

Then, finally, the orcs manage to create an opening and one gets onto the wall. He basically ran up a pile of bodies, it makes me think of a scene from a zombie movie. He only manages to kill two humans, but more orcs manage to follow him up and onto the wall.

This is the beginning of the end for the humans as the breach keeps widening. Soon the orcs have taken control of the wall and the fighting is moving into the fort. At this point the battle is pretty much over, so I get up and start heading for the fort.

The orcs have made several more breaches and most of them have moved into the fort. There are still some orcs waiting for their turn to enter and I charge right into them. As I cut them down I focus on being efficient and not losing myself to the joy of combat.

Some of the orcs turn to face me while the rest continue pushing into the fort. After I cut down all the orcs outside the fort I follow the rest into the fort. Inside there are already a lot of corpses lying around, both humans and orcs.

There are living orcs inside when I enter, but they quickly join the corpses on the floor. Once they are dead I continue moving through the fort killing every orc I come across. I am hoping to kill enough orcs to gain another level, I should be pretty close to it.

As I move through the fort I avoid the areas where I hear sounds of fighting. Only the groups of orcs that are wandering around looking for a fight are the ones I go after. This way I won't end up saving any humans and having to deal with them.

However, when I come out into the fort's courtyard and see dozens of orcs, I get curious. The orcs are all gathered around one corner and I can hear sounds of combat. So I jump up to try and get a look at who they are fighting, which turns out to be a woman.

My first thought is that it is a human and that I need to just leave her to die by the orc's hands. Then just before I lose sight of her she turns her head and I see her long, pointy ear. As soon as my feet return to the ground I charge into the orcs and cut them all down.

Once all the orcs are dead I take a closer look at the woman, she is definitely an elf. She is also in pretty rough shape, she didn't hold off that many orcs completely. A single healing spell is all it takes to restore her completely, to her surprise.

388 Orcs defeated! 388,000 Exp gained!

Brightfire says "Just what kind of human are you?!"

"I'm not a human. What are you doing here? I thought I already rescued all the elves?!"

Brightfire says "What?! You did?!"

"Yes! Now, who are you and how did you get here?"

Brightfire says "Oh, sorry! My name is Brightfire and I am a scout. When I saw the orcs attacking I thought I could sneak in and rescue the slaves."

"Are you one of Stillwater's scouts?"

Brightfire says "Yes! Wait, how do you know Stillwater?!"

"There is no time for that right now. Follow me!"

Leaving the area with Brightfire following me I head straight towards the harbor. Plenty of orcs get in the way, but I happily cut a path straight through them. There are quite a few orcs at the docks, killing the humans who tried to run.

Brightfire says "Why are we going to the docks? The ships already left!"

"See that ship floating in the harbor? That is where the elves are!"

Brightfire says "Why are they out there?!"

"Because, I figured the orcs would have a hard time swimming."

As we reach the docks and I clear the orcs there, we are able to see the elves on the ship. They have armed themselves and are currently killing the humans that swam out to the ship. They don't seem to be having any problems, they just stab the humans as they try to climb up.

A few orcs do make the attempt to swim out to the ship, but when they drown the others stop trying. This leaves the orcs with nowhere to go, all they can do is die under my sword. Brightfire just stands and watches me as I chase down and kill every single orc.

121 Orcs defeated! 121,000 Exp gained!

Congratulations! You have gained a level!

Level 17: HP +200, DP +100, Stat points +5!

Spells: Holy Shock Level 4, Mass Bless Level 3, Resurrect Level 2!

'Yes! I love leveling up!'

Brightfire says "You are certainly skilled with a blade! You said you aren't human, but you certainly don't fight like an elf!"

"I am not an elf either."

Brightfire says "Then, what are you?!"

"I am nothing you know of, and we really don't have the time for me to tell you my story."

Brightfire says "Okay, then what's the plan?"

"I am going to take you over to the ship and you can take charge of the elves. Meanwhile, I am going to kill all the orcs."

Brightfire says "By yourself?!"

"Yes, unless there are humans alive and still fighting."

Brightfire says "Aren't there still thousands of orcs left?"


Before she can say anything else I spread my wings, pick her up, and carry her to the ship. Ignoring her screams I land just long enough to drop her off and then fly back to the docks. The orcs are just milling around, since they have run out of humans to kill.

That is, they are until I come down and start killing them as soon as I land. Their roars and screams bring more and more orcs pouring out of the fort and its buildings. I end up surrounded by an increasing number of orcs, but I just let myself go.

My mind goes blank as I start dancing around amongst the orcs, cutting them apart. Behind me are nothing but lines of blood, flying chunks, and a lot of dead orcs. Despite the level of danger, there is a huge grin on my face as I bathe in the blood of my enemies.



But worried about this battle trance... This is neat but at the same time seeing the grin... I mean could be very intimidating, also I dunno scary.. o.o Anyways I'm so happy he gained another level this has been a very profitable mistake... As they usually are. I am very excited to see how this goes. And how far he can get... Good luck.

Devin Dineen

Going to be taking a long weekend! Next episode will be Tuesday Nov 1st. Hope everyone has a great Halloween!!