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This time for the soulscape, I recreate the elven village, at least what I have seen of it. Then I fill the clearing with tables full of snacks, treats, and drinks. After that I invite Seronia and Krenocia, then I just wait until they arrive.

Seronia says "Do the elves have some mages to help you?"

"Nope, not a single one!"

Krenocia says "That's a problem! What do you plan to do?"

"I haven't decided yet. Do either of you have any ideas?"

Seronia says "I don't. Sorry, Ash."

Krenocia says "I do have one idea, but it would be exceedingly dangerous."

"Oh? What's your idea?"

Krenocia says "If you gate into the underworld I can try to help you cross it. Then you could gate back to the peninsula. Maybe."

"Crossing the underworld? You are right, that would be dangerous! I think I will keep that as a last resort."

Seronia says "I think crossing the mainland would be better than the underworld. It only takes time, the underworld could take your life!"

Krenocia says "I could protect him! Some!"

Seronia says "If he gated from here would he even be in an area you control?"

Krenocia says "Umm..."

Seronia says "I thought not! Ash, choose a different path!"

"Alright then. I guess that just leaves by land or by sea."

Both say "By sea?!?"

"Yeah. It should be faster to sail around the main continent than to cross over it."

Seronia says "How? You don't have a boat!"

"I can either steal or build one!"

Krenocia says "Do you even know anything about boats?"

"Some. A little. Enough to know the bigger ones are called ships."

To distract them from all the questions I am sure will follow, I create a movie screen and play Moana for them. It works and the two of them are completely distracted until the movie is over. Then when I see that they are hungry for more I show them Pirates of the Caribbean.

The main reason I am humoring them is to refresh my knowledge of ships. While I have some idea of how ships are built, there is no way I can build one that way. However, I do have an idea, something similar to how I made the canoe back when I first found Core's city.

The only problem with that is going to be finding a mana rich tree that is big enough. If I can't find one, then there is a possibility that I can grow one, but with my mana that will take time. Speaking of time, I guess it is time to face the music, so I pause the movie.

Seronia says "Hey! What did you do that for?!"

"So you could help me invite the others."

Seronia says "Oh, alright. Be quick about it!"

"Myria, Lizzy, Kechara, Asuna, Ekard, Haku, Windy, and Zheka, I invite you to my soulscape!"

Seronia says "Alright, they should have received it. Now unfreeze the movie!"

Krenocia says "So impatient!"

Krenocia's comment only manages to make Seronia turn to glare at her. Before they can start fighting I unpause the movie and they both instantly turn their attention to it. A few minutes later Kechara and Asuna appear, they both look relieved to see me.

As the others appear one by one I move the group away from the goddesses. As absorbed by the movie as they are I doubt they would be happy with us talking over it. Once everyone is gathered I explain the situation I have gotten myself into.

Myria says "Ash, you idiot!"

Lizzy says "I agree with Myria! Why didn't you summon me to help?"

"I am not sure if it would even work at this range. I also don't know if the carriage would be brought with you. If it was, whoever wasn't on it would end up stranded."

Lizzy says "Oh, that makes sense."

Myria says "So, how long is it going to take you to get back?"

"That is a good question, the problem is I don't know yet. If I am able to find a decent ship then a couple of months. If I have to build a ship or go over land then it would take longer."

Windy says "That long?! Just where is this island?!"

Instead of trying to explain it I just directly create a map showing the main continent. They all stare at it as they try to figure out just what they are looking at. All except Ekard and Haku, they have gotten bored and joined the goddesses in watching the movie.

Myria says "Okay, so this is the island you are on?"


Myria says "Then where are we?"

"Right here. You see this little bit that looks like an L?"

Windy says "That little thing is where we are?!"

Lizzy says "You may as well be on the other side of the world!"

"Now you understand my problem."

Myria says "What if we all pile onto the carriage and then you summon Lizzy? Maybe we can join you!"

"What if it doesn't work? You would be stranded and wouldn't have Lizzy to hunt for you."

Windy says "That's true. Not having your pouch has been an issue!"

Kechara says "I have been helping Lizzy with the hunting!"

"That's good! Have you been taking good care of your little brothers?"

Asuna says "Yes! We both have!"

Myria says "If we can't join you, what are we supposed to do?"

"Return to the tower. Kechara can lead you to one of the entrances to the elven city."

Myria says "Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Well, you can resume your mage knight training. Windy can go with Zheka to rejoin his people. She should have a lot in common with them and be able to learn their magic. I had planned to keep Zheka around longer, but he has at least seen what the outside is like."

Asuna says "What should I do, dad?"

"Asuna, I want you to take your brothers out onto the mountain and start teaching them how to hunt."

Asuna says "I can do that!"

"Kechara, you too."

Kechara says "Sure thing!"

Myria says "Anything else?"

"Tell Seleene what is going on and send her to pass it along to Muyaun. I will use the soulscape to keep in touch, although it won't be every day."

We spend a while just chatting, it is pleasant except for the idiot comments. From the looks of things I am not going to live this down anytime soon. Even though I want to move on to other plans I have to wait until the movie finishes.

Not because of the goddesses, but because Ekard and Haku are totally caught up in the movie. Once the movie ends I say goodbye to everyone and gently chase them out of the soulscape. Seronia and Krenocia remain, but once everyone else is gone I simply start the next movie in the series.

"Can you two boost my signal one more time?"

Krenocia says "Sure, go ahead."

Seronia says "Make it quick!"

"Core, I invite you to my soulscape!"



Awesome. This was touching I'm so glad he can still connect with everyone . It's too bad plans have changed but this is great. I hope he gets to have a good conversation to core.. I wonder if the other elves/spirits could help with the gate... 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways let's hope this delay will be profitable.. I mean slaying the orcs alone was well worth it but dang that next gap is rough.. good luck ash..