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"Yes, really. Do you remember the three drakes that were there when you hatched?

Ekard says "Yes?"

"You will be as big as them one day, maybe bigger."

Ekard says "Really? Yay! I can't wait to be big! Mama, when I am big will you fly with me?"

"Of course I will, little one!"

With that and some serious petting, Ekard's mood is repaired for the time being. I don't have the heart to tell him that I won't live long enough to see him grow up. Hopefully, he will be mature enough to understand things before I die.

"Myria, you should get out and run as well!"

Myria says "You're kidding right? I am not fast enough!"

"Sure you are! You just don't realize it yet!"

Myria gives me a dubious look but climbs out of the carriage anyway and gives it a try. To her surprise she finds that she can run as fast as the others just like I said. In fact, once she tries she can actually run faster than we are currently moving.

She still doesn't realize just how much her body has improved due to the modifications. She quickly picks up speed and runs ahead of the carriage testing just how fast she can run. When she looks back at the carriage I can see a huge smile on her face, then she runs back.

Myria says "Ash, why aren't you running?"

"Because I am already in shape and know what I can do. The only one who can outrun me is Lizzy."

Kechara says "Come run with us, dad!"

Seeing Kechara, Asuna, and even Haku giving me pleading looks I sigh and jump down from the carriage. Then I proceed to run circles around all of them, which turns into a game of tag. By the time I am done with them even Kechara is too tired to get up and she is in the best shape.

Myria proved the fastest out of them, but she hasn't built up any endurance yet. I am sure she will work harder now, especially since I ran her into the ground. If she works at it, it shouldn't be hard for her to match me in speed, her body is more designed for speed than mine.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if after a while she ends up being faster than me. Speed is important when fighting with daggers, she will be able to deal with her mother easily if she masters her speed. However, that is going to take a lot of work and currently she lacks the dedication.

Since there is no real rush I end up letting everyone rest until lunch and we only move on after eating. Luckily, by the time we move Kechara has recovered enough to keep up, since she can't fit on the carriage. In fact I am fairly sure Lizzy is going slower than she was before the game of tag.

As we follow the guide's directions I notice that the grass is thinning and we start passing barren areas. That should mean we are getting close to the desert and we should reach the lizard tribe by nightfall. I could ask Seleene what to expect but I would rather be surprised.

After taking a nap inside the carriage Myria climbs out and starts jogging alongside the carriage. This time she isn't running ahead, she is just matching the speed of the carriage. It would seem I was right, Myria is now motivated to improve herself.

Soon the grass disappears completely and we are crossing barren land with hints of sand. Normally sand would be horrible for the carriage, but thanks to Lizzy it isn't an issue. We continue on as if following a road thanks to her and continue making good time.

Even once the terrain has completely changed to sand dunes we are able to move freely. Seleene, Kechara, and Myria move to follow the carriage to take advantage of the path Lizzy makes. We find the lizard tribe in a canyon formed from red stone, the village is built into the sides of the canyon.

The lizard beastmen look mostly human, except for some scales and their hair color. The scales are mostly on their necks and arms, but they are vibrant colors normally matching their hair. The hair colors among the tribe range from neon red to purple and several other colors not normally found in nature.

It gives the lizard tribe members a bright but dangerous feel, yet they appear friendly enough. The members of the tribe tend to be lean instead of bulky and every one I see is carrying a spear. Their skin is really dark from the sun making their hair colors stand out even more.

Seleene says "King Ash, this is Barcar, chief of the lizard tribe."

Barcar says "Greetings, King Ash! Welcome to the lizard tribe!"

"Hello, Barcar, it is nice to meet you!"

Barcar says "Come, let us sit and discuss things before dinner."


Barcar says "I understand that so far four tribes have joined you?"

"Yes. The badger, ox, fox, and rat tribes."

Barcar says "And now you come to us. Tell me, why are you gathering the weakest tribes first? Do you plan to use numbers to conquer the other tribes?"

"No, I don't plan to use force at all if I can help it. After I leave here I will visit the monkey tribe and then the ogre tribe."

Barcar says "The ogre tribe? Even if the lizard tribe and the monkey tribe join you that wouldn't be enough to threaten the ogre tribe."

"I don't plan to threaten them, I will be fighting their champion."

Barcar says "Are you confident that you can win?"

"Fairly confident, yes."

Barcar says "If you are that strong then this can be resolved easily. In the desert there is a beast that our warriors have never managed to defeat. If you are able to defeat it on your own then all the clans of the lizard tribe will follow you unconditionally."

"Alright, I will do it. What can you tell me about the beast?"

Barcar says "It lives in the hottest part of the desert. It is a lizard, but it is five times the size of the one pulling your carriage. It is covered in scales that even the strongest spear cannot pierce."

"It sounds almost like a drake."

Barcar says "Drake? I am not familiar with that type of beast."

So I describe a drake to Barcar and when I am done he agrees that it sounds similar. If it is a drake and I have to fight it alone, this might be fairly difficult. However, I have already agreed to fight it and I am not about to back down.

Since that is settled we leave his cave and rejoin the others who are mingling with the tribe. Quite a lot of the tribe is gathered around Lizzy and she seems to be enjoying talking with them. The other one getting a lot of attention is Ekard, the lizard tribe's women find him irresistible.

Ekard is obviously loving all the attention and I don't see any reason to interfere. The others seem a little nervous but that changes when Barcar announces that I will be taking the warrior trial. That starts a lot of chatter and it doesn't take long for Myria to find out what it is and head towards me.



oOo I like em. Very colorful, and the scales nice touch I like that. They seem pretty reasonable just you know go and defeat a drake... You know just one of those kind of things.. sheesh..😬 hope you didn't sign up for more then you expected ash.. but either way it will be fun, I'm sure of it.