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Lizzy says "So, I should just head south?"

"Yeah, it should only take a couple of hours to reach the construction site."

Zheka says "Is there anything I should be doing? Also, is it always this bright on the surface?"

"Your job is to teach Myria and I your language. Other than that you are here to experience the surface so you can tell others. No, it is not always this bright."

As we set off I tell Zheka about the day and night on the surface as well as clouds and rain. The more I explain the more questions he has, but I only answer the major ones. The rest he will learn through experiencing things himself, which is better for his growth.

Myria says "Are we going to be staying at the new city for long?"

"Long enough for me to meet with Mason and Leonarr. If nothing unusual comes up it should be a day or less."

Myria says "So, knowing you it may be as long as a week!"

"Hopefully not!"

Windy says "I can't believe how smooth this ride is! What kind of magic is it?"

"It is a combination of Lizzy's ability to control the earth and the carriage's enchantments."

Zheka says "Lizzy has earth abilities?"

"Yes, she has natural abilities. You should compare notes, it would benefit you both."

Without any further prompting Zheka climbs out the window to sit on the driver seat and starts chatting with Lizzy. Windy, Myria, and I pass the time by playing with Ekard and Haku. We play until the carriage stops and Lizzy tells us that we have arrived.

When I look out the window I see that Lizzy has stopped at the top of a hill. From here we can look out across the vast construction area of the new city. Thousands of beastmen are working, digging, moving stone, and other things.

Off to the east is another construction site, which I am guessing is the military base. Between the two is an area with tents that seems to be the center of all the activity. Guessing that it is where I will find at least Mason I ask Lizzy to head down there.

As soon as we start moving down the hill we are noticed and the reaction is entertaining. Some who don't recognize us see Kechara and go for their weapons. Others recognize Lizzy and start cheering, the two groups confuse each other.

Leonarr exits the biggest tent and looks around to see what all the fuss is about. Once he spots the carriage he yells orders that sort out the chaos quickly. The weapons are put away and the path the carriage is following is lined by cheering beastmen.

Since they are cheering for me I open the door to lean out and wave to the people. When we reach Leonarr, Lizzy stops the carriage and everyone climbs down. While everyone else heads into the tent I turn and say a few words about how well the construction is going.

It is not much of a speech, but the workers seem to appreciate it all the same. After I am done talking the workers cheer some more before I turn and enter the tent. The back side of the tent has been raised up so Kechara, Asuna, and Lizzy can stick their heads in.

Waiting inside with Leonarr are Mason and Melissa, but what grabs my attention is the table. The entire table is covered by a model of what the city is going to look like. There are a lot of blank areas, but the main buildings and the city walls are all shown.

"Mason, good to see you. This is the plan?"

Mason says "Yes, it is going well so far."

"I get the street layout, but what are the extra lines?"

Mason says "The sewer system."

"You were able to come up with a sewer system without increasing the technology level?"

Mason says "Yes, it is all done using an ancient Roman design. It isn't too efficient, but it will work as long as the city isn't too crowded."

"That's awesome! So, what is the projected time frame?"

Mason says "The sewers, streets, and city walls will be done in three to four months."

"Impressive! Are you using Roman concrete for the roads and streets?"

Mason says "Concrete yes, Roman no. It is too hard to bring sea water this far."

"The teams working on roads, how good are they?"

Mason says "Decent, and getting better with practice. Why?"

"I've been thinking that roads are very important. Especially in an area as big as the beast lands."

Mason says "You want to create a road network spanning the beast lands?!"

"Yes. Oh, and I want to redo the streets in Illium as well."

Mason says "You don't want much, do you?"

"Can you do it?"

Mason says "It is possible. It would slow down work on the city a bit."

"That's fine. Set the priority as the military base, roads, and the city."

Mason says "The military base first?"

"The military has to protect the people, the better trained they are the safer the people are."

Mason says "Alright, I will take care of it."

Melissa says "You were serious about giving me all the support I need!"

"Yes, I was. Training is the most important part of building an army. It isn't skills, it is all about discipline. It is what unifies an army, without it you just have a mob."

Leonarr says "The troops have already found something to unify them. Fear of the demonic trainer!"

"Are you telling me all your strong beastmen are scared of a small human woman?"

Leonarr says "Absolutely! You have no idea how scary she can be!"

Melissa laughs and says "Just doing my job!"

"Then you just keep doing what you are doing! Oh, I guess I should tell you about the procedure."

Leonarr says "Does this have something to do with my guards in Illium?"

"Yeah, they are already going through it. Once Nived is done with them the group will be moving down here. All the soldiers and workers are going to go through the procedure."

Leonarr says "Alright. So what is the procedure?"

"It gives beastmen a core, well an artificial core anyway. It enhances strength and speed and the lucky ones will be able to use mana. A training center is being built for those who adapt to the procedure the best."

Melissa says "Stronger and faster? Does it work on humans?"

"It has not been tested on humans, but if it did it would turn them into beastmen."

Melissa says "Aw, that's too bad."

Leonarr says "What are your orders, My King?"

"When Nived arrives, give him whatever he needs. He is in charge of the procedure, and you will also be going through it."

Leonarr says "Understood! And thank you!"

"Oh, also the fox tribe has joined us."

Leonarr says "I already know. Several of them are already working with us as scouts."

"They sure moved fast. Well, that is a good thing. Tell me about the empire."



This is great I was really curious on the city and how it's development has been going. I am very excited for the beastmen. Ash is filling the rolls of king very nicely I bet with a quick defeat of the oger champion he will get them all! Woot. King ash! Very awesome.


Yes do tell! Also I don't know if this is something that is or will be or not be in the book and I'm not sure I'm naming it right but would a bestiary (a place that sells and produces different types of mounts) grounds be built in the new town. I know it's a weird question to ask because the fact it a beastman city/town and I don't know if it would be practical for beastmen to sell beast mounts or mounts at all. "Oh yes dear sir I will sell you my cousin for 100 coins she/he is a wonderful mount" lol see what I mean. lol