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After telling Yui to lock the experiment room and keep everyone out, I go looking for Kitara. As I do I try my best to remember what other animals are closely related to rabbits, but I draw a blank. I think they are part of the rodent family, but it has been so long since biology class that I can't be sure.

Kitara says "Ash, is something wrong?"

"Yes, there has been a problem with Myria's procedure. Do you know of any mana beasts that are similar to a bunny?"

Kitara says "Yes, actually I do. There are some grasslands along the coast where such a beast lives. My tribe considers them a delicacy and hunts them regularly. Why?"

"I need the heart from one. How big do they get?"

Kitara says "The biggest one I heard of was about Asuna's size. Is Myria going to be okay?"

"That is plenty big enough. Can you show me on the map where the grasslands are? I don't know, but I am going to do everything I can to make sure she is."

Kitara says "Sure, the grasslands are right here. But this is my tribe's territory, you may run into them."

"How does your tribe feel about me?"

Kitara says "I have no idea, I haven't been among my tribe since I was a child. I am an outcast, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I am a little distracted."

Kitara says "It's alright, but if you don't mind some advice, you should take Asuna with you."

"Asuna? Why?"

Kitara says "My people greatly respect the various fox-type mana beasts. Even if they are hostile to you, they will at least talk to you if Asuna is with you."

"Alright, thanks for the advice. I will take her with me if I can figure out a way."

Kitara says "Is there anything else I can do to help?"

"No, not that I can think of."

Kitara says "Are my men at risk?"

"No, they shouldn't be. Myria got a lot rougher version of the procedure than the rest of you did."

Kitara says "Poor Myria. Any orders for us?"

"Take it easy the rest of the day, Yui will be monitoring you. As long as no problems occur you can start training tomorrow."

Kitara says "Understood."

"Yui, where is Zamart?"

Yui says "Where he always is. However, lunch will be served momentarily."

"Alright, I will wait to talk to him until after lunch."

While I could skip lunch, that would only make the others worry and I don't want that. The kids may or may not understand what is going on, but while we eat I do my best to explain it. Kechara and Asuna seem to understand, and so does Windy, but Ekard and Haku don't.

They understand that Myria is hurt, but that's about it, which just makes them sad. They don't stay sad long, they take me at my word when I say she will be alright. Once we are done eating I ask Windy to take the kids to play, keeping Kechara and Asuna with me.

Kechara says "What do you need, dad?"

"To help Myria I am going to need Asuna's help. I wanted to explain it to you myself so you know I am not leaving you out on purpose."

Asuna says "Daddy, you need my help?"

"Yes, to help Myria I need the heart of a rabbit beast. I've found out where to find one, but it is in an area controlled by the fox tribe. They may or may not like me, but they respect other fox beasts. I want you to go with me so that they will talk to me and I don't have to fight them, hopefully. Are you willing to go with me?"

Asuna says "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Kechara says "Father, I understand why I can't go. It's alright."

"Kechara, I am working on a way for you to go see the outside world too. It is just going to take some time, this trip is all about saving Myria."

Kechara says "I know, dad. It's okay, really!"

"Alright, but I am going to need your help as well. Ekard and Haku haven't been separated from me since I found them. I need you to help keep them calm and distracted."

Kechara says "Alright, I can do that."

Asuna says "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, after breakfast. If I can get everything figured out by then."

Kechara says "How long will you be gone?"

"If everything goes smoothly, only a couple of days."

Once I am done explaining everything I spend some time just petting the two of them. Then I send them off to go help with the boys and I head for the library to find Zamart. I find him in one of the reading rooms sitting in front of a mountain of books.

"Hi, Zamart. Got a question for you."

Zamart says "Hello, Ash. What's your question?"

"Do you know a shrink spell?"

Zamart says "Shrink? No, I can't say I do."

"Damn. Yui, Core, do you have a shrink spell?"

Yui says "I do, but it depends on what you want to shrink."

Core says "I do, but Zamart would have to learn elven magic."

Zamart says "I would love to learn elven magic!"

"I want to shrink Asuna so that I can fly down the mountain while carrying her."

Yui says "The spell I have only works on non-living things."

Core says "It will take months to learn elven magic."

"Guess I will have to think of another plan."

Yui says "What about your shadow pocket?"

"I don't know if Asuna will fit, and I would need Ekard to take her into it. I was planning to leave Ekard here with his brother and Kechara. Do you have anything that works like the shadow pocket?"

Yui says "No, I'm afraid not."

"Hold on, give me a minute to think."

Something is bothering me, I just can't quite remember what it is, but I know I am missing something. Then it hits me, I actually know a shrink spell, the one I used on the forge. I quickly pull out the archmage's diary and flip through until I find the right page.

"Zamart, can you learn this shrink spell?"

Zamart says "This is amazing! Where did you get this?"

"This is the real diary of the last archmage. Can you learn it by tomorrow morning?"

Zamart says "Yes, I can learn the spell. Can I keep this book?"

"You can borrow it, but I want it back after you finish reading it."

Zamart says "Alright!"

Yui says "Looks like your plan is back on track."

"Yeah, as long as Zamart learns the spell in time we will be leaving right after breakfast."

Yui says "Is there anything else you need to prepare?"

"No, I should have everything I need. Why?"

Yui says "I thought you might want a distraction if everything is ready. The blacksmithing and magical item forging books you asked for are in reading room two."

"Oh, thanks. That does sound good."

So I leave Zamart to study the spell and head into reading room two where I find a pile of books. Then I read about the blacksmithing techniques of the ancient empire until Yui calls me to dinner. So I head down to the dining room and enjoy dinner with everyone.

After we are done eating I follow the kids to the play room and spend a few hours wrestling with them. Once Ekard and Haku are completely worn out I carry them to bed. I try to sleep, but have no luck, so in the end I meditate for the rest of the night.



Wow I don't know about everyone else but this whole section of the book just seems to want to fly by like I'm in a rush or something but it was good and I enjoyed it.


I totaly forgot about that diary and the forge shrink .. nice!