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Ambrose says "Yeah, it's a really good thing he isn't ambitious! He would end up ruling the entire peninsula!"

Roddick says "That might not be such a bad idea! Too bad he will never go for it!"

"Let me deal with becoming the Beast King, then we will see how the empire and the Free Union react."

Borrik says "If you let Pol continue the way he is going you will own the Free Union eventually. Only money matters to them, and you have a ton of it."

"Well, if it gets them on our side without conflict then it is fine by me."

Ambrose says "Wait, you didn't immediately deny the possibility of you becoming the ruler of all the nations?!"

"I certainly don't want to, but I am considering the possibilities. After all, I have this feeling that I am going to end up at war with the empire."

Borrik says "Why do you think that?"

"The empire has a lot of beastmen slaves, which I plan to free. Also, their opinion of beastmen makes it unlikely that they will accept us as a nation."

Ambrose says "That is true enough. How do you plan to free the slaves?"

"Once I am king I will try diplomacy first, but if that doesn't work I will use force. My goal is to free all beastmen, and I wouldn't mind ending slavery all together while I am at it."

Roddick says "That is a noble goal, but it will make you a lot of enemies."

"I don't care about that. If I have my way, all slavers will die anyway."

Borrik says "A lot of those people are Pine's friends, so they are already Ash's enemies."

Roddick says "True. Thanks to the empire there is a lot of money to be made in slavery. Those who have become rich from it are not going to give it up easily."

"I didn't plan to give them a chance to give it up. If they made money from slavery, they can just die."

Ambrose says "That is a lot of people to kill, but I can't say you are wrong. Those kinds of people have something wrong with them to begin with."

"Oh, that reminds me. Do any of you know of a Lord Rychen in the Free Union?"

Borrik says "Yeah, I know who he is."

"Does he have any powerful friends that could cause me trouble?"

Borrik says "No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Because I killed him on my way to Illium."

Roddick says "Why did you kill him?"

"I didn't like the way he ruled his lands, and he was rude."

Pelos says "That doesn't seem like much reason to kill a man."

"When a single man's greed causes dozens of families to suffer and starve, that isn't a good reason?"

Ambrose says "Unfortunately, in the Free Union, that kind of thing isn't exactly uncommon."

Roddick says "Yeah, in the Free Union, greed is king."

"Well, then maybe I should take it over and change a few things!"

Borrik says "I've heard much worse reasons to seek power. If becoming the ruler of the entire peninsula is the only way to get rid of slavery, will you do it?"

"Yes! I may complain the entire time, but that would be worth it."

Roddick says "Then you would sound just like Ambrose!"

Borrik says "Emperor Ash, it has a nice ring to it!"

"That will be a last resort! I certainly don't want all that responsibility! I would much rather just be the Beast King and sort everything else out through diplomacy."

Borrik says "Then you need to find some really good diplomats! Because your diplomacy skills are horrible!"

"I am well aware of that, but that can wait until I become the Beast King."

Ambrose says "Speaking off, is there anything we can do to assist you in becoming the king?"

"Not at the moment, but if I need any help I will let you know."

Ambrose says "Alright, anything else we need to cover?"

Roddick says "We just need to convince Ash here to attend the party."

"What party? Why can't Sarah go instead?"

Ambrose says "After making you a Duke, we have to have a party! This isn't something you can skip."

Roddick says "You can certainly bring Sarah with you, so she can keep you out of trouble."

"Alright, when are we doing it?"

Ambrose says "Three nights from now?"

"Okay, I will tell Sarah."

Ambrose says "Then that concludes the meeting. Unless anyone has anything else to bring up?"

After a minute of silence people start getting up and leaving, starting with Scott and Pelos. Ambrose, Roddick, and Borrik all tell me to stop by in the next couple of days for private chats. Just as they are leaving, Myria finally returns, carrying a sleeping Ekard.

An exhausted Windy is following right behind her carrying the sleeping Haku. It looks like they had fun exploring and completely wore themselves out. Poor Windy looks like she currently regrets her decision to become the kid’s babysitter.

Seeing that I get up and take Haku from her, then help her into the bedroom. As soon as the enchantments on the bed hit her she is out like a light. After putting Haku and Ekard on the bed next to her, Myria and I return to the main room and I fill her in.

Myria says "Duke Ash has kind of a nice ring to it."

"It's just going to mean more work for Sarah. I really need to find some way to thank her properly."

Myria says "While it is a good thought, you actually don't need to. She absolutely loves wielding the power of a noble."

"Well, that's good to know. But I will still do something if I can think of anything."

Myria says "You could always find her a cute pet, you seem to have a knack for it!"

"The boys aren't pets, but that is something I will keep in mind."

Myria says "I know they aren't pets, but they are completely adorable! If you come across something that isn't a combat type, keep Sarah in mind."

"I will do that. So, how have you been?"

Myria says "Other than worrying about what my mother is up to, I am doing fine."

"How is your training going? How are your girls?"

Myria says "My training is going good, I really enjoy it! As for the girls, I found someone better to lead them."

"Oh, who's that?"

Myria says "Someone Leonarr brought back. Apparently after you rescued her. Her name is Verica, and she hates slavers even more than I do."

"Yeah, I remember her. Have you seen her fight?"

Myria says "Yes, she is very good!"

"Do you think she could beat your mother?"

Myria says "Hm, maybe, but it would be a close fight. Why?"

"I was thinking, if she could defeat your mother she could take over as chief. Things would go smoother that way than if I kill your mother."

Myria says "That might work, but Verica wouldn't want the job. She wants to wipe out the slavers, she sees it as her mission in life."

"Alright, then I won't interfere. I also want all the slavers dead, I will just have to find someone else to lead the bunnies."



Emperor Ash indeed lol just waiting for the day lol