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As soon as we stop, Ekard and Haku take off to explore the area, with Windy trying to keep up. As usual they have extra energy to burn off, but I know they will come running back as soon as I start cooking. Luckily, thanks to the pouch I can just cook the meat and then pull out sides from the pouch.

As expected, as soon as the smell of cooking meat spreads the kids rush back. Poor Windy looks like she is ready to skip dinner and just go straight to bed. By the time the food is ready she has recovered enough to have an appetite.

After everyone has eaten dinner I play with the kids to give Windy a break. With full bellies it doesn't take too long for the two of them to run out of energy and crash. Once they are asleep Windy soon follows, leaving just me and Lizzy awake.

Lizzy says "So, you plan to reforge Blitz, and you have permission?"

"Yes, although I need to do some research first."

Lizzy says "So, I will be sitting around in the city for a while, I take it?"

"Most likely. I am not sure when the next adventure will be, but if you get too bored you can always leave. I can summon you from anywhere after all."

Lizzy says "That's true. It will depend on how long before you need me again. I will see how it goes, but thank you for giving me the option."

"Hey, you are family too! Besides, I'm pretty sure you can beat me in a fight right now!"

Lizzy says "True, I have gotten a lot stronger! That is all thanks to you! You don't ever have to worry about me turning on you. If it wasn't for you I would still be a statue!"

"Oh, I'm not worried at all. I trust you completely! I was more commenting on how strong you have become. Which reminds me, I want us to go into the soulscape together."

Lizzy says "Sure, what for?"

"I felt like we could have done much better against the drake. I think we need some practice fighting together. With better teamwork we could have handled that drake much easier."

Lizzy says "I agree. I still don't know everything I can do and need practice with what I do know."

"Figuring things out won't really work in the soulscape. After all, it is controlled by imagination. But we should be able to figure out how to fight together."

Lizzy says "Alright, are we doing it now?"

"Yeah, I figure we can afford to miss a little sleep."

Lizzy says "But who is going to guard the little ones if we are both in the soulscape?"

"Hm, I didn't think of that. No, wait, I know!"

'Summon Bones!'

Bones appears and looks around, when he sees no enemies he looks depressed. It is getting to the point that I feel bad summoning him when there is nothing to fight. However, it isn't like he has any hobbies or anything, other than fighting.

Bones says "Master?"

"Hey, Bones, I need you to guard the youngsters while we are in the soulscape."

Bones says "Understood!"

"Oh, by the way, the little lion is Haku, he is part of the family now."

Bones says "Okay!"

Lizzy says "That will work! Shall we?"

"Yep! Create Soulscape!"

This time I create a soulscape with multiple different terrains so we can fight in all of them. Once Lizzy joins me I start creating monsters for us to fight against. For the next several hours we fight against all sorts of opponents in different terrains.

For our opponents I create all sorts of different monsters and give them elemental abilities. I do my best to make them as intelligent as possible so they will challenge us. I also want Lizzy to get practice using her abilities against other elements.

After what feels like eight hours to us I decide that is enough for one night. When I end the soulscape and open my eyes I find Bones faithfully pacing around the camp. A quick glance behind me shows Windy and the kids are still sleeping peacefully.

Lizzy says "I feel like that was very productive!"

"Yes, we definitely made a lot of progress on our teamwork. Good job Bones. Do you want to stay out or go back?"

Bones says "Go back."


'Unsummon Bones!'

Once Bones vanishes, Lizzy and I go to sleep for the night, or what's left of it. With Lizzy's senses we don't need to be on guard, even asleep nothing is sneaking up on her. In the morning, after breakfast, we continue to head towards Illium.

Again as we travel I alternate between teaching Windy and playing with the kids. There are plenty of beasts around so the kids are playing spot the beast. Haku is adorable as he tries his best to beat Ekard even though he can't communicate well.

Out of all the kids so far, Haku is the most serious, but it is in a very cute way. The way he frowns as he tries to concentrate is absolutely adorable. Honestly, I am hoping he will rub off a little on Ekard as they grow up.

Although, as far as drakes go, Ekard is still extremely young, it is still too early to tell what his personality will be. I will just do my best to teach him while I am around to do so, after that is out of my control. Haku will be fully grown well before then, which may cause other issues.

Ekard won't grow much, so I will have to worry about him getting jealous of Haku outgrowing him. Kechara and Asuna being bigger than him might just add to the problem. I will just have to do my best to make him understand that he will be bigger than them but it will take longer.

Haku is already half again the size he was when we found him and is showing no signs of slowing down. So far Ekard still wins when they wrestle, but he is having to work harder at it. Other than spot the beast, wrestling is their next favorite game to play.

The only problem is when they play while we are traveling they tend to fall off of Lizzy's back. Although, it has given Windy some practice at casting under pressure as she tries to catch them. Luckily, when Windy misses Lizzy normally catches them with a hind leg or her tail.

There have only been two instances where both of them missed and those only resulted in minor injuries. Not even enough to stop the wrestling match as far as Ekard and Haku were concerned. I am okay with that since it will serve to toughen them up, both mentally and physically.

It may be a little bit tough on them, but they will grow up much stronger for it. Of course, if they get any real injuries I will heal them right away, I'm not a monster. However, minor injuries are not something to freak out over, especially for a mana beast.



These two are so cute.


Cute is a minor analogy or term for them lol