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Now that they are home all the guys I was following start taking off their armor. They also have purple skin, so I start to wonder if they are actually human or just something that looks similar. Leaving Lizzy and Bones in the courtyard with the egg I follow Xand into the building.

Xand says "Boss! We have a guest!"

Zilla says "A what?! Since when do we let strangers enter our home?!

Zilla is an impressive figure, she stands about eight feet tall and can look me in the eye. Other than a dark purple horn growing out of her forehead she looks human. She has long black hair, light purple skin, and a muscled yet curvy figure, but my senses tell me she is dangerous.

Xand says "He is an accidental traveler, he didn't even know where he was. So we took pity on him and led him here. I told him you could answer his questions."

Zilla says "Why would I waste my time on him? Xand, you may be a kid but that doesn't mean you can keep pulling stupid stunts."

"Ah, sorry to intrude, but I am willing to pay for the information."

Zilla says "Do you even have any money?"

"Well, that depends on what is used for currency here."

Zilla says "You really don't know anything do you? While there are merchants who will accept gold and silver, the main currency of the plane is crystals."

"You mean like these?"

Zilla says "Yes, those are beast crystals. If one hundred silver equals one gold then each rank of a beast crystal is about ten silver. For demon crystals it is around one gold per rank."

'Crap! That means the egg has eaten thousands of gold worth of crystals!?!'

Zilla says "Alright, now that we have confirmed you can pay, let's hear your questions."

"First, not to be rude, but why is everyone purple?"

Zilla says "It is the taint of the shadow plane. The longer someone is here the darker their color. Anyone born here is always dark purple."

"Taint? Other than coloration does it have any other effects?"

Zilla says "It allows you to eat and drink what is available here without suffering consequences. It is also required to be able to perform shadow magic."

'While shadow magic sounds cool, I doubt it would get along well with my holy powers.'

"How long do I have before I start getting tainted? Also, does it fade once I leave the shadow plane or is it permanent?"

Zilla says "You will start getting tainted after your first few hours here. As long as it doesn't get to the point where you are entirely purple then it will fade as soon as you leave the plane."

At her words I start inspecting myself, after all I have been here a lot longer than a few hours. In fact adding up the time I have been here for at least a full day, at least as far as I can tell. With no change to the lighting it is really hard to keep track of time, but I'm sure it has been at least that long.

Zilla says "What are you doing? Didn't you just arrive?"

"I was looking for signs of taint, and I've been here at least a day."

Zilla says "Well, unless it is hidden by your fur I would say you aren't tainted yet. A few hours is just the average, it affects different races differently. Speaking of, can I ask what race you are?"

"Only if me providing information cancels out the cost of some of your information."

Zilla says "Alright, I can accept that."

"I am a sacred beast. If you are unfamiliar with that then the best I can explain it is I am the evolution above a normal mana beast."

Zilla says "Hmm, interesting. Based on that I would say it would take a lot longer for you to become tainted."

"Why do you say that?"

Zilla says "While I am not familiar with sacred beasts, if you are evolved then you will resist outside influences more."

"Is being tainted important in any way?"

Zilla says "Only if you plan to stay here. Power and taint level are the two main factors for influence within the city."

"No, I don't plan to stay here. I will leave as soon as I find the means to."

Zilla says "Then taint has no meaning to you."

"Good. Since I already mentioned it, how hard is it to leave the shadow plane?"

Zilla says "Leaving isn't hard. Getting to a specific destination is hard. Unless you are from a world with a lot of dimensional traffic, finding a gate scroll for your world will be impossible. What world are you from by the way?"

Even after telling Zilla everything about my world she is unable to recognize it. Which means I can only buy a spell scroll and use it myself, which requires mana. If Krenocia can't get me enough information to figure out how to gate out of here then my options become very limited.

Thinking of Krenocia, I was expecting it to take her some time, but not this long. Once I am done talking to Zilla I should probably try contacting Krenocia to see what is going on. If she can't help me then I really need to figure out something else and fast.

"Miss Zilla, are you familiar with time dilation effects? If so do you know the difference for this plane?"

Zilla says "First off, drop the miss. Just Zilla is fine. Yes, I know about time dilations. Every one and a half days here is one day where you are from. Assuming your planet is in the prime plane like the ones I know of."

"As far as I know it is."

Zilla says "Alright, wait, what was your name?"

"My name is Ash."

Zilla says "Alright, Ash, is that all you wanted to ask or do you have more questions?"

"Actually, I have a lot more."

Zilla says "Then we may as well continue this over dinner. Xand, go inform the kitchen and also prepare a room for our guest."

Xand says "Aw, why do I have to do it?"

Zilla says "Because you brought him here!"

Xand says "Alright, fine."

Zilla says "Alright, what's your next question?"

"I was told that Shade is the only neutral city, that implies there are other cities?"

Zilla says "Yes, many, but they are all run by shadow demons. They are not open to other races and they tend to war with each other a lot."

"Does that mean this city isn't run by a shadow demon?"

Zilla says "Correct, this city is run by a hydra. A shadow hydra to be specific, which is why the other cities leave us alone. That and they like being able to come here and trade."

"Is that why I didn't see any town guards at the gate?"

Zilla says "Yes, if the city were to come under attack it would be up to the citizens to protect it. Since the city doesn't provide protection, it also doesn't charge taxes. However, the hydra owns all the land, you can only lease the land and buildings from the hydra."

"Does that mean there are no police? Are there no laws?"

Zilla says "The only law is don't annoy the hydra. Anything else goes."

"So if someone wanted to rob me on the street?"

Zilla says "Then you better hope you are stronger than them or have hired better bodyguards."

"And if I wanted to walk down the street slaughtering everyone for their crystals?"

Zilla says "If you are stronger than all of them then it is fine. As long as it doesn't get noisy enough to bother the hydra."



Hydra either will join the harem or will be consumed as the exp.


Or will go as pet. Atleast an alie.


Or hydra might ignore him completely depending on the next set of events