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"Don't worry, I will only kill the nobles on this list."

Mercy says "Their guards will fight you!"

"They will try, but they won't be able to hurt me."

Mercy says "What do you mean by that?"

"It is easier to show you, have your guard strike me."

Mercy says "What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, have him try to cut me down."

Mercy says "No way! I am not doing that!"

"Come on, he can't hurt me, and this will prove it."

Mercy says "If he does hurt you will you reconsider taking on the city alone?"


Mercy says "Guard! I'm sure you heard all that, so strike him down!"

The guard seems a little hesitant but can't bring himself to disobey her orders. So he draws his sword and strikes at me, while I stand completely still. His sword hits me and barley leaves a scratch, which heals almost instantly.

"See! I told you!!"

Mercy says "How is that even possible? I saw him make the swing at full force!"

"My health and toughness have grown to the point that a normal human with a non-magical weapon can't really hurt me. You could surround me with your troops and they could attack me all day. They would not be able to kill me."

Mercy says "Alright, I believe you. I will stop arguing the matter."

"Thank you."

Mercy says "So, do you plan to deal with the city first or go hunting the nobles first?"

"I was actually thinking of doing both. I will hunt the shadow demons at night when they are more active and hunt the nobles during the day."

Mercy says "So you don't plan to just charge into the city?"

"No, I have to find out a few things first."

Mercy says "Like what?"

"I need to test out my abilities and see just how effective they are on the shadow demons. I also don't plan to take on too big of a group at once, so I will be using hit and run tactics."

Mercy says "Well, at least you have a plan. Although, I have heard that you having a plan is a bad thing."

Mericel says "Oh, it is! All his plans risk his life way too much!"

Mercy says "Sister! Are you feeling better?"

Mericel says "Yes, much better. Thank you, Ash."

"You're welcome. And my plans don't always go badly!"

Mericel says "Yes, they do!"

"Hey, weird question, but does your family have like a royal crypt or something?"

Mercy says "Are you just trying to change the subject?"

"No, I have had an idea for a while, but it would require Mericel's body."

Mericel says "Ash! Just what do you want to do with my body?!"

"Nothing perverted! Your power is currently limited by the fact that you are a ghost. If I had your body it might be possible to have Krenocia make you into a more powerful undead. Or even have Seronia resurrect you!"

Mercy says "Do you think that's possible?!"

Mericel says "What does it matter now? When you kill the king I become Krenocia's."

"Krenocia isn't evil, she only took your deal because she needed your power to summon me. I am pretty sure she would be okay with you living out your life and then serving her."

Mericel says "Have you asked her? I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them crushed!"

"No, I wanted to know if your body was reachable first."

Mercy says "It is, we have a family crypt in the forest. I have already visited since we surrounded the capital."

"Is her body there? Is it intact?"

Mercy says "Her body is there, but I haven't opened the coffin to check on her body."

"Mericel, do you know where the crypt is?"

Mericel says "Of course!"

"Okay, then let's go. No, Mercy, you should stay here. You probably won't want to see this."

Mercy says "But!"

"No! You need to stay and take care of things here. We will go and see if it is possible, but don't get your hopes up too much."

Mercy says "A little late for that!"

Mericel says "No kidding! Dumb, Ash."

"Anyway, let's get going."

Mercy says "Be back by tomorrow afternoon, for the feast!"

"Do we really have to do that?"

Mercy says "Yes! Morale is important! Especially since a lot of my forces will be marching out."

"Alright, fine."

With that I step out of the tent and throw myself into the air. Mericel is just hiding away inside my body, so I don't have to worry about her keeping up. Before I go looking for the crypt, I head towards the city and start looking for a lone shadow demon.

There are shadow demons outside the walls but they are moving around in groups of five or more. However, it doesn't take me long to spot a lone shadow demon on the wall, probably a lookout. He doesn't even see me coming as I swoop down and carry him off.

"Create Soulscape!"

Once in the soulscape I quickly rip his arms and legs off before I start eating him. While he still tastes like chocolate, eating him does nothing for my core. It is fairly disappointing but also about what I was expecting.

Mericel says "Ash, what are you doing?"

"Oh, right, I forgot you can come in here. I am eating a demon."

Mericel says "Why are you eating a demon?!"

"Because he tastes like chocolate!"

Mericel says "He what? You really are insane!"

"No, I am not. Back when I was a demon eating other demons would help advance my core progress. I simply wanted to see if it still worked."

Mericel says "Does it?"

"Unfortunately, no. But he still tastes great!"

Mericel says "Well, it is somewhat disturbing to watch so I will wait in the real world."

After she disappears I resume my delicious meal, when I am done I end the soulscape. Then I dust my hands to get rid of the ashes from the demon. I resume flying normally and follow Mericel's directions to the crypt.

"Krenocia, I have a question for you."

Krenocia says "Yes, Ash?"

"Are you in a hurry to get Mericel as your servant?"

Krenocia says "Not really. Why?"

"I am thinking of trying to resurrect her. So I wanted to make sure you would be okay with waiting until she dies again."

Krenocia says "I have no issue with that, but resurrection isn't an easy thing to accomplish!"

"I know, I plan to talk to your sister next and see if it can be done."

Krenocia says "Well, good luck!"


Mericel says "So? What did she say?"


Devin Dineen

Started a new job yesterday so episode releases will be afternoon/evening. I may miss a day here or there, we will see.


It's all good we can make due even if it is a disappointment not to read every day the wonderful story you write daily or every other day I suppose now.


Everyone have to pay their bills dont worry man.


That's great news Devin, wishing you all the best on your new adventure. I didn't sign up for daily updates - but they are super addictive lol. I'm here to support you and Ash. Resurected by the villain but turns out to be the nicest guy ever. I'm sure the king see's Ash as the bad guy that's for sure.