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Once we are through and my stomach has settled I tell Myria to go find Isabella. They can hang out until dinner, meanwhile I go to check on the beastmen and see how they are settling in. I find them in the mage knight barracks rearranging the furniture.

Kitara says "Lord, do you need something?"

"No, I was just checking to see how you are settling in."

Kitara says "We will be quite comfortable here. Are we allowed to use the training room we found?"

"Yui, is there a training room in here?"

Yui says "Yes, and they are welcome to use it."

Kitara says "Thank you!"

"There you have it, anything else you want to ask?"

Kitara says "Are we allowed to go outside?"

"I don't see why not. Although, we are at the very peak of the sacred giant. You might have trouble breathing outside."

Kitara says "We will be cautious. Mostly we are curious."

"Alright, as long as you understand."

Yui says "Ash, dinner is almost ready."

"Thank you, Yui. Kitara, if there is anything you need you can ask Yui."

Kitara says "Yes, Lord."

After saying goodbye to the beastmen I head towards the dining room in my suite. On the way Yui directs me to a different dining room, one meant for large gatherings. There aren't all that many of us, but she wants all visitors to use the main dining room.

It is only when I enter the room that I find out that Roddick and Belliza are joining us. I guess they finally got hungry enough to stop reading, at least for the moment. They have probably been using the reading rooms, so it has been more than a day to them.

Nived, Myria, and Isabella are already sitting at the table with them. It looks like they are just waiting for me, so I quickly take my seat at the head of the table. As soon as I sit down the food is brought in and served and we all dig in.

Roddick says "This food is amazing!"

Belliza says "Ash, how is it you find places with such delicious food?"

"Just lucky!"

Yui says "I'm glad you like the food!"

Nived says "It is as good as always!"

"I take it you are enjoying the library?"

Roddick says "Of course! It is amazing! It makes our library look pathetic!"

Belliza says "I could spend the rest of my life here and be perfectly happy!"

"Then who would run the guild?"

Belliza says "Roddick can run the guild without me."

Roddick says "Not gonna happen! I may even retire and leave the guild to you!"

Belliza says "Don't you dare!"

"Enough, both of you! Yui, we may want to consider setting a time limit on the library."

Roddick says "No! Please don't! We will behave!"

Isabella says "Ash, stop teasing them. The library truly is amazing, you can't blame them for being excited. I doubt there is anything about magic that isn't in there."

"Huh, I hadn't thought of that. Yui, are there any books on shapeshifting magic?"

Yui says "Yes, there is one."

"Could you pull it for me? I'd like to read it before I return to Illium."

Yui says "Sure thing."

Roddick says "Why do you want to read about shapeshifting?"

"It is something I want to experiment with."

Belliza says "But why? What good would shapeshifting even be?"

Myria says "Knowing Ash, it would be another way for him to get himself in trouble!"

"What? I'm never in trouble!"

Isabella says "Are you serious? You are in trouble right now!"

Myria says "Yeah, big trouble!"

"What are you two even talking about?"

Both say "Ruby!"

"Oh, right. Yui, where is Ruby? She should have finished the first test by now."

Yui says "She did, and immediately went into the second test."

Isabella says "All because of you!"

"What did I do?"

Myria says "That little act of yours! Pretending to be hurt by her punch! Did you really think anyone believed that?"

"What? It has worked before!"

Isabella says "Well, no one bought it this time. Because of that, Ruby is now desperate to get stronger."

Myria says "And the stronger she gets the more trouble you are in!"

Nived says "Ruby is a fire elemental, so she has rank, but can she also gain levels?"

"Not as far as I know."

Yui says "Yes, she can."


Nived says "Then you are in real trouble, Ash. She can get stronger as fast as you can."

Isabella says "Faster. She is now obsessed."

Myria says "She won't stop until she can beat you down, like you deserve!"

"Um, Yui, do the tests provide experience?"

Yui says "Yes, I believe they do."

"Uh oh."

Isabella says "See, I told you you were in trouble!"

"Yui, do you happen to know what class Ruby has?"

Yui says "The test registered her as a Fire Blade."

"I've never heard of that before."

Roddick says "While this is really entertaining, I've finished eating so I will be heading back to the library."

Belliza says "Me too! Good luck, Ash!"

"Thanks, I think."

Isabella says "So, what are you going to do?"

Myria says "Yeah, what's your plan for dealing with Ruby?"

Nived says "Um, I think I still have some studying to do!"

Nived quickly flees the dining hall leaving just me and the girls, who are waiting for an answer. The problem is, I have no idea what to tell them because I have no plan. The dragon's advice suddenly pops into my head, but I am not convinced Ruby is the right one.

After all, while she is attractive and I care for her, I do not love her in that way. Not to mention she is immortal, even a full life for me would be a blink to her. The less than three years I have left will be less than a day when compared to her lifespan.

Out of all the girls, it would be most unfair to try being with Ruby, yet she is the one who has been with me the longest. I should probably make things clear to her, but I have no idea how to without doing more harm. As she gets stronger it will become even more problematic.

"Isabella, I have a favor to ask of you."



Hmm he shouldn't decide for her if she want to spend these years with him it's her decision. But if he don't feel it to her than it's different.


😁 this is great!