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Krenocia says "You want to become a beast?"

"Not permanently, I want the ability to change back and forth."

Krenocia says "My sister told you I could help you?"

"No, she said it was something she only knew of as a curse. She never said you would know anything, I was just hoping."

Krenocia says "There is a curse that changes you into a beast, but you act as a beast."

"You mean like a werewolf?"

Krenocia says "Yes, exactly."

"So, do they exist in this world? Is it only wolves or are there others?"

Krenocia says "The legends only mention wolves, but the legends are from before the demons. There is no such creature living within my range of sight."

"I wasn't planning to ask you to curse me. Only looking for information before I try experimenting."

Krenocia says "Why are you always experimenting?"

"Since I came to this world I have had to figure things out. My knowledge from my old world was all from entertainment, so I am figuring out what actually works and what doesn't."

Krenocia says "There was knowledge of shapeshifters in your world?"

"Oh, yes. Many, of all different kinds. Even before we started using them as entertainment we had legends of them. Everything from werewolves to vampires."

Krenocia says "So, what are you hoping for?"

"Well, I am hoping for something similar to what we called a druid. They used the power of nature to assume the forms of various animals."

Krenocia says "Well, that sounds interesting, but the power of nature is not something I am able to help you with."

"I know, I was more wondering if you had heard of anything similar."

Krenocia says "No, never. But my knowledge is limited as you know, so I can't say it is impossible."

"Do I have permission to experiment then?"

Krenocia says "I suppose so, but only with your sacred power. Do not try to use divine power!"

"I understand. Thank you for your time."

Krenocia gives me a hug before she leaves and once she does I end the soulscape. Once back in the meditation room I open a window onto my own body, then I start experimenting. First, I take my sacred power and slowly move it through my body.

As I do, I familiarize myself with my body, learning how every single part of it fits together. I memorize everything, and I try to imprint everything into the sacred power before returning it to my core. It is my hope that this will make changing back easier, if I manage to shape change.

Before I get to the point of trying to change my shape a window opens showing movement in the room. The girls are awake and have entered the room, Isabella and Ruby head into the office. Myria comes over and sits at the table next to me, she sits there watching me.

Then I feel a surge of energy as Isabella finishes activating the teleporter. As soon as the teleporter is active Isabella and Ruby go through it. They didn't even say a word before leaving, they could have at least had breakfast first.

It seems they are still mad at me and trying to punish me, not that I am surprised. Hopefully, they will make good use of their time in the tower and grow stronger. I have no doubt that Yui will take good care of them, and Nived will be glad of the company.

For now I will give them their space, hopefully they will grow and learn. It does make me wonder why Myria did not go with them, but I will probably find out when I open my eyes. I try to go back to my experiment but my curiosity won't let me so I end my meditation.

Myria says "Good morning, Lord."

"Hello, Myria. Why didn't you go with them?"

Myria says "You already know they left? Were you awake and just pretending?"

"No, I was never asleep, I was meditating. I am still aware of the room around me when meditating."

Myria says "Then why not say something?"

"If they had stayed for breakfast and told me they were leaving, I would have. Since they chose to sneak out as early as possible, I let them think they managed it."

Myria says "How much do you know already?"

"I know that Ruby is the one who is truly mad at me and that she convinced the two of you to stay silent."

Myria says "If you know, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, what she truly wants I cannot give her. If this makes her feel better, then I can live with it."

Myria says "Did you have to let her drag me and Isabella into it?"

"You could have said no. Besides, it makes her feel less alone if you are mad at me with her."

Myria says "She is very hard to say no to."

"Trust me, I know."

Myria says "I am not mad at you, I was only upset that you were gone so long. After hearing your story I understand why it took so long. You can't seem to just do what you plan to do without some sort of adventure."

"While that is probably true, it is not my fault."

Myria says "Oh, yes it is! If you would just control your curiosity things like this wouldn't keep happening!"

"If it wasn't for my curiosity I would be a lot weaker, with fewer allies."

Myria says "I can't argue that, but it is still your fault for not controlling it."

"You aren't going to let this go are you?"

Myria says "Nope, not until you admit that it is your fault."

"Alright, I admit I cannot control my curiosity. So, yes, it is my fault that I always take longer than planned."

Myria says "Thank you."

"Why does that make you so happy?"

Myria says "Because, it means I won the argument."

Her answer leaves me silent, I cannot argue with her yet I feel like I need to. I am saved by Sarah arriving with breakfast, which is a good thing because anything I said would have only made it worse. Hopefully, by the time we are done eating the subject will have been forgotten.

Myria says "So, what are your plans now?"

"Today I will take care of a few more things, including a visit to the tower. Tomorrow I will head north to Mercy and the rebels."

Myria says "And what side adventures are you expecting?"

"None, but I never expect them, they just happen."

Myria says "Why do you need to see Mercy?"

"I have several promises left unfinished in the north."

Myria says "What promises?"

"To kill the king, to wipe out the demons, to deal with a certain group of nobles, and to introduce two heroes to my goddesses."

Myria says "That seems like a lot to accomplish."

"Maybe, but it needs to be taken care of."

Myria says "Can't you just leave things to Mercy? She has an army after all."

"No, I can't. She needs to become the queen and take control of the country quickly."

Myria says "Why the rush?"

"Because, from what I was told last night one of the dukes of the empire is getting ready to make a move."


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