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Vacker successfully blocks the first ten attacks, then the next ten, and even the ten after that. On my thirty-seventh attack he is just a second behind and my attack slips through. I manage to pull back enough that he only receives a gentle tap on his ribs.

Vacker instantly stops moving, drops his stance, and gives me a slight bow to indicate it is my win. He then returns to the starting position, his face is shiny with sweat and he is breathing hard. So I give him a minute to catch his breath before going back to my ready position.


Vacker says "Ready!"

This time he approaches more cautiously, then he launches a series of attacks to make me take the defensive. I am fast enough I could have avoided it, but instead I let him take the lead. His swordwork is still much better than mine so he is able to find several holes in my defense.

However, with my speed I am able to dodge the attacks that I cannot block in time. While I am not taking it easy on him, I do let a few opportunities pass. I want to win, but I also want the guildmasters to get a good show at the same time.

After a while I notice the annoyed look on his face, so the next time I see an opening I strike. He again acknowledges his loss and returns to the starting position. Before continuing I insist he get a drink of water and take a few minutes to relax.

During this break the guildmasters finally make some noise as they start discussing the two matches. It is good to hear them complimenting Vacker's skill, but a little annoying that they think my wins are only based on speed. So when Vacker is ready to go again I start the fight by starting a sword dance.

Vacker is no fool and does everything he can think of to disrupt my dance. What he doesn't know is that I have spent a lot of time using my dance against multiple opponents. No matter what he tries he can't disrupt my dance and after a few minutes I win again.

Vacker says "You may not have been practicing the basics, but your other skills have improved a lot!"

"Thank you! And thank you for the spar, you showed me a lot of the holes in my defense."

Vacker says "Yeah, too bad I am too old and slow to make use of them!"

"I think it is less your age and more the many years cooped up in a prison cell."

Vacker says "Maybe."

Borrik says "That was the best display of swordsmanship I have ever seen!"

Jezzel says "Agreed! I would be lucky to last more than a few seconds against either one of them!"

Ambrose says "Why do you think Ash is so unbalanced? His offense is way stronger than his defense!"

Borrik says "I imagine it is because he normally kills his opponents so fast that he doesn't need to defend much."

Vacker says "It is because Ash fights beasts more often than men. Against a beast it is not wise to parry, you dodge."

Roddick says "So, Ash's fighting style has been affected by the type of enemies he has fought?"

Vacker says "Exactly. If he stayed here and sparred with me daily he would soon be able to defend against anything I could throw at him."

"Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of time."

Ambrose says "You just got back, are you leaving again so soon?"

"In another day or two, yes."

Roddick says "Where are you off to this time?"

"I have to visit the tower but then I am heading to the kingdom. I have promises to keep."

Borrik says "The civil war coming to an end would be a good thing. I've been hearing rumors out of the empire."

"What kind of rumors?"

Borril says "Duke Sevaris, who rules the western part of the empire, is making a move. He is gathering troops and hiring mercenaries."

Ambrose says "You think he is going to make a grab against the kingdom?"

"Sorry, a grab?"

Belliza says "He means a land grab. He will take territory owned by the kingdom and add it to his lands."

Roddick says "That would be a problem, right now the three dukes and the emperor are fairly balanced. If Sevaris manages to make a decent grab it would alter the balance."

Our discussion is interrupted by the arrival of Sarah and a dozen of her girls. They are all carrying covered platters and immediately move to set the table for dinner. The guildmasters are on one side of the table and the girls set three places opposite them.

The middle spot is for me, with Vacker on my right, and Sarah takes the spot to my left. As planned, while we eat I tell an edited version of my journey to the mountain. I tell them about finding the tower but leave out most of the details about the inside.

Roddick can tell them more if he chooses to, otherwise no one needs to know but the mages. When I tell them about the elven city I don't leave out too much except the history. I make sure to give them everything I know about the driders and matriarch.

Ambrose says "I sure would love to visit that tower!"

Roddick says "That can probably be arranged, as long as you promise to behave!"

Jezzel says "I would rather visit the city and see the driders for myself. Just in case I ever have to fight one."

Roddick says "I don't see why not, after all I know you will behave."

Ambrose says "Hey!"

When the laughter dies down the talk turns a bit more serious as I ask what has been going on while I was gone. It seems the nobles have been up to their usual mischief, all except Pine. From what everyone says he has been unusually quiet lately.

Borrik says "Maybe he is still worried about the show Ash here put on at the party?"

Roddick says "More likely he is planning something."

"Whatever he is up to won't matter soon. I've given Pol the order to completely take over the beastman trade."

Borrik says "I would love to see his face when he finds out!"

Ambrose says "Just be careful, he could lash out when he learns."

"Not a problem, I currently have a thousand trained beastmen in the city."

Ambrose says "What? How did I not know about this?"

Roddick says "Because they have been moving in small groups and haven't caused trouble like human troops would."

Borrik says "I've seen them, and they have ended all crime in Ash's quarter of the city!"

Jezzel says "I can imagine! Someone would have to be a world class idiot to commit a crime with that many beastmen around."

"Even with that, Pine has people watching this street and even following me when I leave."

Borrik says "He must still be worried about what you have planned."

Ambrose says "After what happened at the party, wouldn't you be?"

Borrik says "Hell no! I would have packed my things and left already!"

Belliza says "Pine won't just give up, he will try something."

"I will deal with that when it happens. Pine is not high on my list of priorities."

Roddick says "Don't underestimate him."

"I'm not, but unless he has an army hidden away my precautions should handle him."

Ambrose says "And if he does have an army?"

"Then I will have to step in personally."

Borrik says "You think you can handle an army?"

Vacker says "Unless they have sword masters or mages, yes he can handle them."

Jezzel says "Based on what we saw earlier, I can believe it."



He slaughtered several armies already, why not another.


Ash the one man/beast man army killer lol 😂