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The sisters finally lead me into a room and close the door behind me. Looking around, it looks like a sitting room or small living room, there are two other doors out of the room. A glance through the open doors shows bedrooms, this is probably the sister's private suite.

Black says "Please, have a seat."

White says "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, please."

Black says "So, what can we help you with, Ash?"

"Well, the goddesses told me to come to you for an education on proper etiquette for praying and stuff in public."

White says "Oh, this will be fun!"

Black says "We can totally do that!"

"Also, I was hoping you might tell me what's been going on in the city while I was gone. Not the big stuff, the guildmasters will tell me that. More how the people are doing and any issues that might not reach the guildmasters."

White says "We should be able to do that."

Black says "We know most of what goes on in the city."

So we sit and have tea and they teach me what I need to know about being part of the church. Then they tell me about how the city is doing and some of the nobles' actions. It seems the nobles have been quiet for the most part, but the people are nervous about something.

"Do you know what is worrying them?"

Black says "It is nothing specific to the city, just bad dreams."

White says "I have noticed that those that live on the north side of the city have it the worst."

"Any idea when it started?"

Black says "About a month ago."

White says "Why? Do you know what it is?"

"Not for sure, but the fact that it gets worse the further north you are gives me an idea."

Both say "What idea?"

"It might be coming from the kingdom, I haven't been up there in a while. Once I sort things in town I will go see how the war is coming."

White says "Why would the war cause bad dreams?"

Black says "What could be going on?"

"Well, I know there is a high rank shadow demon behind the king. Maybe it came fully into our world. Or it could be working on some kind of ritual."

White says "If that is the case you need to be careful."

Black says "It would have to be something huge to affect people from so far away."

"Don't worry. Thanks to my class I am pretty much the perfect anti-demon weapon."

White says "That may be true."

Black says "But don't underestimate demons."

"I have faced the demon lords, trust me I am not going to underestimate them."

Both say "Just be careful."

"Don't worry, I will. Is there anything else you think I should know about?"

White says "No, it has been fairly quiet."

Black says "Anything else should be known to the guildmasters."

"Alright, thank you for your time."

White says "Of course!"

Black says "We are at your service!"

We say our goodbyes and then they escort me out, again everyone we pass bows to me. Even with their high priestesses there it is obvious that everyone who bows is aiming it at me. It is weird to think I now outrank a high priestess in the eyes of the faithful.

It is a relief to be outside and not have all those eyes following me, watching my every move. I really hope the beastmen don't act that way once I am their king. Next I head to the mages guild and request to speak with Roddick and Belliza.

After waiting a few minutes I am escorted to Roddick's office near the top of the building. When I walk in and Roddick sees me, his face lights up and he is genuinely happy to see me. Belliza is not in the room but I am assuming she will show up soon.

Roddick says "Ash, so good to see you back!"

"Hello, Roddick. It is good to see you too."

Roddick says "How was your trip? Did you succeed?"

"Yes, I did. The temple was destroyed and I found several other things, but let's wait for Belliza. I only want to tell the story once. While we wait, I want to thank you for all your help with Ruby's medallion and keeping her here."

Roddick says "It was nothing, don't even mention it."

Belliza says "Sorry, I was neck deep in paperwork."

"Okay, now that you are both here we can begin. Most importantly, on my trip I found something. The great tower of the empire's mages, completely intact and with all its knowledge preserved."

Roddick yells "What?!?"

"There is a catch of course, most of the higher knowledge is locked until a successor is found to take control of the tower."

Roddick says "This isn't a joke right? You really found the great tower?"

Belliza says "If so, then anything we have to do to reach it is worth it!"

"Reaching it will be easy."

So saying I move to the side of the room and start assembling the teleporter. They both watch intently as I work, so I start explaining what it is and how it needs to be activated. I quickly have to stop Roddick from summoning every mage in the guild to activate it.

"Think about it first, do you really want every mage in your guild to know about this?"

Roddick says "No, I guess not, but I want to go through and see for myself!"

"I advise you to wait, once you go you won't want to come back. You should make arrangements for your absence."

Belliza says "Yeah, don't think you can just dump everything on me and run off!"

"Besides, you need to be somewhere tonight."

Roddick says "I do? Where?"

"You and the other guildmasters are invited to dinner tonight at Vacker's school. He and I will be sparring before dinner. Everyone's seconds are invited as well."

Roddick says "Oh, okay. I will pass the word."

"My other gift to you is this stone. It is a potential stone, you are looking for someone with bright gold potential. That is enough to become an archmage and inherit the tower."

Taking out the stone I point it first at Roddick and then Belliza, both show gold but not very bright. Belliza has just a bit more potential than Roddick, probably why she is his second. After explaining everything I know about the stone I hand it to Roddick.

Then I tell the story of finding the tower, meeting Yui, and everything I learned about the tower. When I am describing the test and the bonuses I gained by taking them, they both look really excited. As expected they both really want to rush off to the tower and see things for themselves.

Roddick says "Belliza, take the stone and quietly test everyone. I will take care of the paperwork and everything else I can so that we can take some time off."

Belliza says "Yes, boss!"

She grabs the stone and runs from the room, her normal look of exhaustion is completely gone. Roddick watches her go and then returns to his desk to start doing paperwork. It is the first time I have actually seen him do any work.

"Hey, Roddick, the mages guild should be the richest in Illium, right?"

Roddick says "Yeah, I guess we are. Do you want us to pay for access to the tower?"

"No! No, I have something else to sell you."

Roddick says "What is it?"

"Magical artifacts from the race that was here before the humans arrived."



Here is profit.


I for see problems!!! What will happen if everyone that does deside to go to the tower also decides to want to go to the elf City. If they do they might get stuck inside the barrier with the driders and die and become more driders. On the other hand they could get up there and mess with the wrong thing and make it to where they release the driders. I believe Ash should set limits to everybody when they get up there so that they know where they can and can't go so they don't make a problem for Ash to have to try to fix it he even could. Just saying.