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Vacker says "I know from your story that you have fought a lot and that is good. Combat experience is important, but so is regular practice!"

"What can I say, I got side tracked. It was a busy few months."

Vacker says "I know, I heard your story last night, and I also heard what you didn't say."

"What do you mean?"

Vacker says "You downplayed the danger you were in so the girls wouldn't be mad at you. Right?"

"Well, maybe a little."

Vacker says "I figured as much. Some of the details about running from the driders didn't match up. Want to tell me how it really went down?"

"Will your class be okay without you?"

Vacker says "Yeah, they are at the stage of just repeating the basics."

So I tell Vacker how the chase the first time I was in the city really went. I also tell him about the guardian statue with the laser eyes, which I left out last night. He listens intently until I finish then asks questions about how the driders moved.

Vacker says "I agree with you, they were definitely being controlled. This matriarch you described sounds like bad news, did you leave anything out?"

"Only that it scared Seronia when she sensed it."

Vacker says "Something that can scare a goddess? I'm surprised you didn't go for a closer look!"

"Hey! I'm not stupid!"

Vacker says "That's debatable. You plan to wait and go back when you are stronger?"


Vacker says "See!"

"I have my reasons, and I won't go after it alone. It's not stupid if I have a good plan."

Vacker says "From what I have heard, anytime you make a plan it is assumed that you are being stupid."

"Hey, my plan got us free from the demon lords!"

Vacker says "If that's an example then it's no wonder everyone gets worried when you say you have a plan."

"Oh, come on! It worked, we both lived and walked away free!"

Vacker says "Yeah, just barely though. I have another class starting soon, is there anything else you need?"

"Oh, yeah. I brought back a few things for you."

Looking around I spot an empty table and walk over to it, then I start pulling things out of my pouch. The elven sword I got plus some knives and other swords from the display hall. Finally, I pull out the armor from the governor's mansion and set it on the table.

Vacker says "The weapons I understand, but what's this?"

"This is elven training armor, it is highly enchanted so it will adjust to fit just about anyone. It will prevent major injuries but it allows minor injuries."

Vacker says "That doesn't make much sense."

"It is for training someone to fight in armor but not to become dependent on the armor."

Vacker says "Oh, that does make sense. I normally don't use armor or train people to use armor, but I guess I should start. After all, not everyone can be a swordmaster."

"True, and sooner or later we will have other teachers here."

Vacker says "So, you are serious about making this a major school?"

"Yes, plans are in motion, once they come through you will have pretty much unlimited funding."

Vacker says "Should I start looking for teachers?"

"Slowly, but yes you can start."

Vacker says "Okay, I will keep my eye out."

"Alright, see you tonight."

By the time we finish talking the sun is well and truly up so I head back to the inn. The girls should be up by now and I am looking forward to a nice big breakfast. When I walk into the inn I don't see Sarah anywhere so I head upstairs.

There I find Sarah and the girls and a lot of delicious looking food. The girls look groggy which is odd since they should have had plenty of time to sleep. As I move to sit down I see Myria look like she is standing up but the other two stop her.


Sarah smiles at me but the girls just mumble a response and go back to eating. So I just sit down, grab a plate, and start filling it with food. Sarah looks over at the girls and shakes her head but their conversation does not resume.

Sarah says "Ash, I'm just curious, but what is with those manacles?"

"They help limit my strength so I don't hurt someone accidentally."

Sarah says "Are you really that strong?"

"Um, to explain it, a human strong enough to lift this table by himself would be around a strength of thirty."

Sarah says "Okay, what's your strength at?"

"A little over seven hundred."

Sarah kind of just stares blankly at me while from the other side there are gasps and the sounds of dropped utensils. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever really told anyone how high my stats have gotten. I have shown the girls how strong I am but never really put it into numbers for them.

Sarah says "That is a huge number, but with your race you probably had a high strength from the beginning, right?"

"When I was first summoned my strength was only twenty."

Sarah says "Wow! Then how did you get so strong?"

"A lot of things, mainly skills and abilities I gained along the way."

Sarah says "Well, now I understand why you are always so careful, and why you are reluctant to touch anyone."

"Yeah, I could kill or maim someone if I am not careful."

Sarah says "That sounds lonely, but this isn't a good topic to discuss over breakfast. Just know I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

"Thank you, Sarah."

Sarah says "So, what are your plans for today, aside from the dinner tonight?"

"First, I need to catch up on what happened while I was gone. Which reminds me, are you two ready to tell me how your missions went?"

Isabella says "Mine went fine. We had some trouble crossing the border coming back with all the villagers. The adventurers you hired handled it well and we made it back without casualties."

Sarah says "The money she brought back was mostly spent on buying the other two streets and fixing the buildings up. We have some left to handle expenses but not much more than that."

"That's fine, we will have more funds available soon. How about you, Myria?"

Myria says "I brought back a hundred youngsters from my tribe. I have been teaching them archery."

"What about riding?"

Myria says "Riding?"

"Nevermind, I will talk to Borrik, see if he has a couple of skirmishers I can hire to train them."

Myria says "What are your plans for them? Are you going to use them in the war?"

"No, I plan to have them patrol the borders of the beast kingdom. I want them to kill any slavers that cross the border. Or at least warn the villages and help them defend themselves."

Myria says "Building up your reputation so the beastmen will follow you?"

"No, I just don't want anymore beastmen taken as slaves. My reputation shouldn't be an issue."

Myria says "You should beware the bunny queen."

"Why is that?"

Myria says "If you make a move to become the beast king she will be set on becoming your queen."

"How do you know that?"

Myria mumbles something under her breath.

"What was that?"

Myria says "Because she is my mother."

"So you are the bunny's princess?!?"

Myria says "No! I am an outcast! I was banished."

"By your own mother?!"

Myria says "Yes."

Then before I can say anything else she gets up and runs from the room. While I want to comfort her it is probably best to give her some time alone. Family drama is not something anyone really wants to talk about, especially with an outsider.

Sarah says "Now what?"

"For now, we set up the teleporter. Isabella come with me."



Haha oh famous Ash's plans.