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It only takes me a little over an hour to reach the tower, flying is so much easier. Even carrying Asuna I am not even tired by the time I land in front of the tower. When I open the doors I see Nived waiting in the entrance hall, Yui must have seen us coming.

Yui says "Welcome back, Ash. Change of plans?"

Nived says "Hey boss, where's Kechara? She is okay right?"

"Hi, yes, slight change in plans. Kechara is fine! She is staying with a new friend for a while."

Yui says "What new friend?"

"Let's sit down somewhere and I will explain."

Once we are sitting down and the sprites have brought us drinks I begin the story. I tell them everything I learned in the city including what I learned from Core and the dragon. It is only as I am telling it that I realize I actually learned a lot in a short period of time.

After all, it has only been about a week since I left the tower and besides learning a lot I also got to level eleven. That makes me feel pretty good, I accomplished a lot in the last week. It was definitely worth the delay in returning to Illium.

Yui says "Can you set up the mirror now? I am looking forward to speaking with Core."

"Is that because she is similar to you? Or because you want access to the elven knowledge?"

Yui says "A bit of both. Besides, it will be nice to have someone intelligent to talk to!"

Immediately both Nived and I protest which only makes Yui laugh at us. She has definitely changed a lot since I first arrived, she feels like an actual person now. If they somehow came back I am sure the old mages would throw a fit about it.

Not that I would care if they did, no way would I let them change Yui in any way. As she requested I set up the mirror, it activates as soon as it is placed upright. Through the mirror I can see Core with Kechara peeking over her shoulder.

"Core, can you hear me?"

Core says "Yes, I can hear and see you just fine."

"Core, this is Yui and Nived. Guys meet Core."

Once the introductions are done there are a few minutes of awkward conversation. Everyone quickly relaxes and gets used to the new situation and the conversation smoothes out. Soon Core and Yui are talking about complex magic theory and even Nived is soon lost and confused.

I don't even comprehend half of what they are saying and soon get bored. Nived and I move away to chat while they have their deep discussion. Even Asuna moves away with her ears folded down like they are hurting her.

Luckily, Yui can split her attention and notices us moving away, she soon announces dinner to distract us. Over dinner I tell Nived about the driders and how they fight, so he is prepared. At some point I expect he will go there to try out his spells and get experience.

"Nived, that reminds me, do you have levels?"

Nived says "Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"Because, humans in this world have lost the ability to have levels. I am taking steps to restore that ability but it won't be anytime soon."

Nived says "Are you saying I'm currently the only human who can gain levels?"

"As far as I know, yes."

Nived says "Wow, way to pressure a guy!"

"That wasn't my intention, but you should take any chance you have to level up."

Nived says "Alright, I will keep that in mind. Yui won't let me do anything until I complete my lessons."

"That's fine. I didn't mean right away."

Nived says "Okay, I will keep it in mind."

Yui says "What are your plans now, Ash?"

"I will stay the night, then return to the city in the morning. I plan to be off the mountain by tomorrow night."

Yui says "Good. That will give me and Core time to configure a teleporter that will work through the barrier."

Nived says "You mean we will be able to teleport down to the city?"

Yui says "If we can make it work, then yes."

Nived says "That would make hunting driders really easy!"

"Yes, for you and for the girls when they come here. That is kind of the idea."

Yui says "Correct. This will allow you to level up while helping to clear out the driders."

"The long term plan is to kill the matriarch so that we can free Core and Kechara."

Nived says "Sounds like a good plan to me!"

"Oh, want to free Core because you think she is cute?"

Nived says "I never said that!"

"You didn't need to! It was painted all over your face when the mirror turned on and you saw her!"

Nived quickly excuses himself and leaves grumbling, but his red face shows I hit the mark. I won't tease him too much, unless he teases me in front of the girls. If he does that then he is fair game and I won't hold back!

Yui says "I still don't understand human emotions."

"It's okay, once the teleporters are open you will have a lot more examples to study. Oh, speaking of other people, I have a request."

Yui says "What is it? You know if I can do it I will."

"Well, I was discussing with the goddesses how they had lost so much knowledge. Turns out their knowledge is limited to what their followers know. So I was wondering how you would feel about church members visiting to read in the library? Also how would you feel about housing a church library here in the tower?"

Yui says "The only concern I have about having more people is that I lack the ability to force them out if needed."

"Well, what if I station some beastmen loyal to me here under your command? They could bunk in the mage knight area."

Yui says "That could work! Do you trust them?"

"Absolutely! They are loyal to me and once I explain how dangerous this place could be in the wrong hands they will die to protect it."

Yui says "In that case I am fine with it. I will create a new library with attached living quarters in the basement for your church to use."

"That sounds perfect! Thank you, Yui!"

Yui says "You are welcome, Ash. I want to do everything I can to help."

"Thank you. So, how are you and Core getting along?"

Yui says "Great! I really like her, and she understands me!"

"I was hoping you would become friends."

Yui says "So far that seems likely. We aren't in the same situation, but we have similar things to deal with. It is good to talk to someone who understands."

"I am hoping once she is free she will be a mage strong enough to inherit the tower."

Yui says "That I don't know. She will need to be free first and have a chance to figure out who she is before I can tell her potential."

"I realize that, I am just sharing my thoughts with you."

Yui says "I appreciate it. I also appreciate the fact that you are taking finding an heir seriously."

"I am going to do everything I can to keep my promise to you. Besides, I am going to need the support of you and the tower to have a chance of winning the war."

Yui says "You will have my support no matter what."

"Thank you, Yui!"



I like that he gain more power with all his new friends.


I just can't wait for all of the girls to come back into the story I miss Ruby and the rest of the gang. By the way I thought that everyone was going to be back like three or for episodes ago what happened Devin? Oh yeah we got wrapped up with the driders and the Elvin City along with speaking with Core, then more magic, a dragon with flying lessons. Did I get it all down or am I missing something? All I know is Ash is in for a big ass whooping when he gets back to Illium because he said he would be gone for only a month max and here he is going on almost two months without a word or anything. I wonder if the gang and everyone is still there waiting for him hell I bet the town will think he was killed or died and all of his property was sold off that would suck.